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New PSS has a question....


(New PSS to DM) "I hear a lot of talk about patient's health first."

(DM) "That's right....here at AZ we put the patient ahead of everything!"

(New PSS) "I'm really happy to hear that...I love to help people."

(New PSS) "I have a question...how can we measure how well I am putting
patient's health first?"

(DM) "That's easy we measure your sales of our products!!!!"

(New PSS to DM) "I hear a lot of talk about patient's health first."

(DM) "That's right....here at AZ we put the patient ahead of everything!"

(New PSS) "I'm really happy to hear that...I love to help people."

(New PSS) "I have a question...how can we measure how well I am putting
patient's health first?"

(DM) "That's easy we measure your sales of our products!!!!"
What is the problem?

Patient first. Lol. We are all such laughably simple beings. We don't need much more than a phrase or idea to make us feel comfortable or safe do we? A magical being will take us to paradise when we die. My AK47 will make me safer. Patient first is the little lie we tell ourselves to make us feel good about what we do - rape the American taxpayer with expensive me too products when generic metformin with diet and excersize delivers better outcomes. It is comical because it comes from the top, corporate lingo that reframes the profit driven reality. Orwellian doublespeak. This is a great post.

Patient first. Lol. We are all such laughably simple beings. We don't need much more than a phrase or idea to make us feel comfortable or safe do we? A magical being will take us to paradise when we die. My AK47 will make me safer. Patient first is the little lie we tell ourselves to make us feel good about what we do - rape the American taxpayer with expensive me too products when generic metformin with diet and excersize delivers better outcomes. It is comical because it comes from the top, corporate lingo that reframes the profit driven reality. Orwellian doublespeak. This is a great post.

Liberal fool.

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