New Products


If we can get our new products approved by the FDA next year and meet our timelines we can really turn this company around. Also, getting our current products approved by all of the other regulatory agencies in the world for sale in these countries should be a top priority in order to improve our global sales.

How can we shift resources so that we have more people working on these two priorities?

Maybe a reorganization is necessary as it would be way to expensive to hire new people to focus in on this. There are a lot of people in R&D that have the years of experience and know how to work on these development priorities. They just need to have their goals, objectives and job descriptions changed so that the project managers can utilize them for making sure the timelines are met for these critical projects.

The resources and talent are available to get the job done. However, it will take a organization change to get people focused as the current organization has to many barriers for the project managers to get through in order to utilize many of the people in R&D on their projects.

If we can get our new products approved by the FDA next year and meet our timelines we can really turn this company around. Also, getting our current products approved by all of the other regulatory agencies in the world for sale in these countries should be a top priority in order to improve our global sales.

How can we shift resources so that we have more people working on these two priorities?

Maybe a reorganization is necessary as it would be way to expensive to hire new people to focus in on this. There are a lot of people in R&D that have the years of experience and know how to work on these development priorities. They just need to have their goals, objectives and job descriptions changed so that the project managers can utilize them for making sure the timelines are met for these critical projects.

The resources and talent are available to get the job done. However, it will take a organization change to get people focused as the current organization has to many barriers for the project managers to get through in order to utilize many of the people in R&D on their projects.

How many reorganizations will it take to make this company successful? Are u kidding me?

Throwing Perry out the door would be a great start.

WP won't spend any time, money, etc. rearranging the furniture on the Titanic. Perry and KK are going down with the ship. It seems like every week some newbie comes onto this board thinking they know something no else does. That would be to come out with new, better products. It's just not going to happen. This thing is in a holding pattern to either take money out the back until it sinks or wait until someone falls off a turnip truck and actually wants to buy this thing. There is more chance of Fred Hassan being the first dark complexioned person on the moon than this thing going IPO. Let's hope these bushy, bright eyed newbies realize this and that the status quo will exist until this thing is underwater. No one is listening and no one wants to listen.

WP won't spend any time, money, etc. rearranging the furniture on the Titanic. Perry and KK are going down with the ship. It seems like every week some newbie comes onto this board thinking they know something no else does. That would be to come out with new, better products. It's just not going to happen. This thing is in a holding pattern to either take money out the back until it sinks or wait until someone falls off a turnip truck and actually wants to buy this thing. There is more chance of Fred Hassan being the first dark complexioned person on the moon than this thing going IPO. Let's hope these bushy, bright eyed newbies realize this and that the status quo will exist until this thing is underwater. No one is listening and no one wants to listen.

I agree - no chance of IPO. Lotemax is so close to end of patent IPO could not b issued. Lo is the money msker so it is a sucker to buy or bkrupt.

The bottom line for R&D--- are the employees work leading to FDA approval of a new product. The management should look at every activity that is done in R&D and see if this is true. I guarantee you that 75% of the work done in R&D has nothing to do with gaining FDA approval of a new product.

If the Directors told the truth about the percent time their people work on R&D projects it would likely be 20% time on R&D projects and 80% time spent on activities that have nothing to do with projects.

You could increase productivity in R&D by 300% if you just sent out an auditor into each group to turn the 20% into 60% time spent on R&D projects.

New products should be launched next year from R&D. You don't have to crack the whip just send a few people into the groups to assure that people are spending the majority of their time working on the R&D projects.

Don't rely on the directors or employees to tell you how much time they spend on the projects you have to send in a third party to find out the truth about what is going on.

If you are lucky and do not have to work on a development project team you
are better off. If you can spend most of your time working on your individual goals rather than team goals you will succeed and get good raises and promotions.

Because the project teams are understaffed and are given unrealistic expectations for meeting timelines the team goals are never met and you can not meet your objectives for the year.

So to survive run from the development project teams and find some research projects to work on and publish on. Publications and or patents are really the only measure of success in R&D.

Think of B&L as an old car you own. You aren't going to spend any real money to service it. You're going to put gas in it and drive it till it dies. WP is not going to spend butkus on R&D. Some of the posters on this site need a reality check. This is not an Alcon or even an Allergan. Most people, including upper management and everything between them and us, is hanging on until the end; like grim death.

After four years under WP it is time for R&D to launch a new product that can increase market share. Short of replacing the entire mid management or constantly monitoring the activities of everyone in R&D probably the best fix right now is to:

1. Tell R&D no raises, bonuses or publications until product X, Y, and Z are launched next year.

This will get everyone's attention and make sure people work on what really matters for this company the launch of a new product. Also to make sure they don't launch crap base the raises on the percent of the market the new product takes from the competition.

No increase in sales then no raise or bonus either.

To the last post. Raises and bonuses have been limited for the last four years, and only given out - along with title changes - to keep good people within the company. Publications and conference attendance would be one option, but how will that get people to buck up after years of only having to produce 50% most of the time. Cut access Youtube/Personal Email/Facebook etc. How often can you walk through R&D and people are sitting in their cubes on one of these sites in the middle of the afternoon.

To the last post. Raises and bonuses have been limited for the last four years, and only given out - along with title changes - to keep good people within the company. Publications and conference attendance would be one option, but how will that get people to buck up after years of only having to produce 50% most of the time. Cut access Youtube/Personal Email/Facebook etc. How often can you walk through R&D and people are sitting in their cubes on one of these sites in the middle of the afternoon.

The people that got the raises, bonuses, publications and title changes (VP and director titles) are the same people that are now not getting products approved by the FDA.

It is really time to bring in new talent in at the VP and Director level. If the VPs and Directors in R&D can't produce, get some new ones.

After four years under WP it is time for R&D to launch a new product that can increase market share. Short of replacing the entire mid management or constantly monitoring the activities of everyone in R&D probably the best fix right now is to:

1. Tell R&D no raises, bonuses or publications until product X, Y, and Z are launched next year.

This will get everyone's attention and make sure people work on what really matters for this company the launch of a new product. Also to make sure they don't launch crap base the raises on the percent of the market the new product takes from the competition.

No increase in sales then no raise or bonus either.

Don't you get it? WP, or anyone else for that matter, doesn't really care. This thing is just going to putter along until it collapses. No one is going to spend time or money doing anything. The last 4 years of R&D speak for themselves. This place is like a ghost ship sailing the high seas. Had we been a division of a large company like Pfizer or GSK, we would have been shut down by now but we're just an egg in a private equity company basket and they will keep us there until we break open and really start to smell.