Any new products on the horizon?
Why yes, there is this new version of ReNu coming out with Alexidine....supposedly a blockbuster.
Is this a copy cat to AMO's Revitalens that has alexidine? Why did B+L get rid of alexidine in the first place when MoistureLoc had alexidine and at least from a clinical point of view was an extremely successful product? Seems silly that AMO is benefiting from B+L technology that B+L invented first and then abandoned due to very poor management decisions.
The new B+L CEO probably does not know any better and thinks that the management has come up with a brand new technology where in reality it is the same technology B+L had 6 years ago but abandoned because of poor advice from the R+D management.
Why yes, there is this new version of ReNu coming out with Alexidine....supposedly a blockbuster.
No new products needed. We are doing just fine without anything new.
Companies that do not stay ahead and innovate will be left in the competitive dust. That's the reason why Apple is doing so well and the reason why GM went bankrupt.
That is why we must all be chocking; from the dust!
Now you've got your answer KK!
KK is not responsible for new products. Maybe someone should give the person responsible for developing new products a little incentive for speeding things up a bit.