What are the launch dates for 2012?
June and October
Get ready for patent extensions and more eye drops that don't even matter. We're screwed.
Is there anyway to accelerate the timelines for these new products? The CEO says he changed the name R&D to D&R to emphasize that he is focused on Development but where are the products?
My guess is that there still is 90% of everyone is doing research and pretending they are doing development. The other 10% that are just doing Development are getting rolled over the coals every day because there just in not enough Development people working on the projects.
Time to do a serious reorg to make sure people get focused on Development.
New products or D&R may not matter anymore. For the IPO or sale of the company "potential" new products may be good enough. Actually getting an FDA approval may hurt the IPO or sale as "potential" looks much better than reality. If B+L shows the real sales instead of projected sales IPO value or sale of the company could suffer.
The company will keep D&R in a holding pattern as a "for show" talking point in negotiations. If you are in D&R just sit on your hands for a few years until the sale or IPO. You will not be able to develop anything until then.