New Product Suggestions for Otto Bock


A Revolving Door.

We seem to have one in use currently that is very robust and efficient in getting people in and out quickly.

We also seem to have mastered the production of blinders. I hear that once you hit your 1 year anniversary the upper management hands them out. They work so well that you can't see anything, even when it's just inches in front of your face.


I hear that CG is publishing a book: Top 10 Restaurants To Hide In For Hours; A comprehensive guide on sticking it to the company while pretending to make sales calls.

It's a followup to his first book: How To Win A Sales Contest When Not Even In Sales.

Chuck was one of the only ones holding the company together. pass by the hiring of so many of his family members and the bs. He is a good guy and even though he had to kiss bd's ass he was and still is a great dude. If there is ever a yes man, I don't think that its Chuck, I think he would say what he thinks. My opinion but thats just me. I own my own company now so have learned to fire those who are yes men. no feedback equals no business

ok, so looking for new product. how about we market a omo immobile for solar plexus repairs? $600 bucks a piece and every sports med person does them at some point in time......shall I give a!! If you don't know what it is try Mayo clinic!

His sales technique is one of a kind? When did looking at your Blackberry for a complete sales call become a technique? You might want to save your money because if he is your ideal sales person, you might be out of business soon. I hope you didn't open a consulting firm in which you provide effective sales techniques.

I do my sales myself unlike some that thought sales was getting an appointment. you rely on a boss to come do the sales for you? I stayed the heck away from any doc I thought potentially would purchase during ride alongs. That's sales 101, you don't want your boss coming into town and pissing off your potential docs. Build rapport, build the relationship. No one thought when a boss comes to town he is going to close business for me. Ur an idiot if you thought that. If he sat there and looked at his blackberry then that was perfect for me.

Chuck is an okay guy when talking sports, but otherwise too much BS and promises has gotten him nowhere without the help of a rep that was in the territory and he decided to take a part of it or all of it for his own personal gain, why would OB give him a cut of the commissions on machine sales if he wasn't a suck ass and ass kisser, unless he had something on them, really reps and Chuck would get the same commissions on the sale of CPM, no wonder were not making money, he made it look like he did the whole sale by himself, now he's a lost soul looking for business thats not there and making promises to Tempe that the business will come in, Chuck, this isn't field of dreams!!