New Postings? Anyone know who this is for

It is a Forest contract, on an all inventiv sales force. It is entry level so pay would be somewhere in the 40k's with a car im sure. anyone have more info on products that are being promoted?

It is a Forest contract, on an all inventiv sales force. It is entry level so pay would be somewhere in the 40k's with a car im sure. anyone have more info on products that are being promoted?

If entry level why would posting indicate they are looking for 2-3 years pharma with Cardio experience? Experience does not = entry.... Just sayin

That was the same poster who always posts some demeaning nonsense on every thread here. Like they are going to pay $40k, yeah, right.

I spoke to a recruiter and they mentioned entry level pharm, no pharm exp needed. just 2-3 years b2b. This is the forest cardio contract.

pay is def above the 40's, doubtful it is above 60's. Can anyone else confirm pay?

the recruiter i talked to said i have way too much experience to be considered and was absolutely rude and inappropriate-I will report her to upper management who i am connected with

These positions are heavily advertise on all the free job boards therefore expect lots of applicants from all walks of life. Especially since pharma experience is not a necessary requirement.

I'm finding myself to be extremely frustrated, competition is fierce enough among all of us in the biz, now the mix is getting bigger and bigger.

Yeah, it seems the more experience you have, and the older you are, the less chance you have these days.

Contract is actually a great place if you are older with experience many of my former pharma friends are working contract jobs. Just remember this particular contract is with Forest, and they are not your average pharma company they like them young and stupid so they can train them up their way and pay them low. This contract may end up reflecting them. Post for everything, everywhere. You never know.

Agree about Forest but it will depend on how the contract is set up- if it is run by inVentiv then it might not matter what Forests' usual hiring practices are. Also, if they don't plan on rolling people in, what difference does it make as long as the job gets done.