New post REMOVED!!!


Did anyone notice that the "new" post about the true lack of integrity by the "new" leadership: JT, SM and JY got pulled??? Big brother must be watching and worried!!!!

John Thievon, Sal, and Jay York are all TRASH!!! This company had so many good things going for it, then steps in the SCUM of the pharma world with these 3. Lawsuits have been filed and will continue to be until "MYLAN"- Heather realizes what a HUGE MISTAKE that she made, but by then, it may be too late. Millions of $s later...does the FDB? comment to a SR MGR ring a bell with any mangers from the May 2012 meeting?

Well we all know that by the time JT, SB, and JY drink their morning coffee and log on to cafepharma (because they are running scared) this post will be deleted. The fact of the matter is that any respect that these guys have earned at Dey has been lost. Unfortunately we are stuck with a corrupt upper management. But when they stand in front of the room and try to motivate us it will not work. At some point their egos will get the best of them and they will screw up and get fired. How do they look at their pathetic lives and lies and think it is okay to ruin other people?

They think that they can ruin lives, bit actually they can't . They are such a JOKE!!! They have no ethics and no conscious! If you have left be glad that you are no longer part of the "scam" that Mylan has become!

They think that they can ruin lives, bit actually they can't . They are such a JOKE!!! They have no ethics and no conscious! If you have left be glad that you are no longer part of the "scam" that Mylan has become!

Think we are lying?? Ask jy where he met his bride. Example of where they all frequent

Watch out ladies. I know of one there he has already had a history with.

Sad because this type of leadership ended at J&J in the 80's. just goes to show you how far behind Mylan is in Pharmna. I can guarantee you that this is their "last gig"! The attornies are chomping at the bit to put them down! Little Ms Molly also!

Just goes to show you what management is really doing.....they're reading Cafepharma! Just in case you were wondering what they were doing all dey. Disgusting corporate crooks!

Think we are lying?? Ask jy where he met his bride. Example of where they all frequent

Watch out ladies. I know of one there he has already had a history with.

Gross. Give us a hint as to who he has had a history with?

Well, Heather- I hope you have excess funds to cover the sexual harassment suits that will arise as a result of these hires. I am actually surprised they would work with/for a woman. They have no respect at all for women. Heather be careful!

John Thievon, Sal, and Jay York are all TRASH!!! This company had so many good things going for it, then steps in the SCUM of the pharma world with these 3. Lawsuits have been filed and will continue to be until "MYLAN"- Heather realizes what a HUGE MISTAKE that she made, but by then, it may be too late. Millions of $s later...does the FDB? comment to a SR MGR ring a bell with any mangers from the May 2012 meeting?

This article describes these three to a tee. Scary.

what happened to the wild west post and that bitch mcb in ca thats running amok. No one likes her, they fear have so much power. She was run out of Otsuke a few years ago, they certainly didn't fear her there....

Gross. Give us a hint as to who he has had a history with?

Well, Heather- I hope you have excess funds to cover the sexual harassment suits that will arise as a result of these hires. I am actually surprised they would work with/for a woman. They have no respect at all for women. Heather be careful!

Do you think they would sexually harass males? I'm feeling kinda left out...