New poll: More Americans support occupy Wall Street than not


This information may just change the direction of rotation of the whole earth. Important find there, Dick.

"...Young and left-leaning Americans were more likely to agree with the movement..." Translated: young liberal arts graduates that can't find a job paying as much as their allowance from mommy and daddy.

What is noticeable in the CBS report, is that there was no attempt to articulate the objectives of OWS. Despite that, the "young and left-leaning Americans" supported them. Go figure. Hope and Change Part Deux?

This information may just change the direction of rotation of the whole earth. Important find there, Dick.

"...Young and left-leaning Americans were more likely to agree with the movement..." Translated: young liberal arts graduates that can't find a job paying as much as their allowance from mommy and daddy.

What is noticeable in the CBS report, is that there was no attempt to articulate the objectives of OWS. Despite that, the "young and left-leaning Americans" supported them. Go figure. Hope and Change Part Deux?

You just refuse to understand what they are protesting about, as you have been provided with numerous links as to the reasons.. Or you are just too stupid to figure it out for yourself. Either way, keep being ignorant/and or pretending how dumb you are.

You just refuse to understand what they are protesting about, as you have been provided with numerous links as to the reasons.. Or you are just too stupid to figure it out for yourself. Either way, keep being ignorant/and or pretending how dumb you are.
Was that supposed to explain the objectives of OWS? Or, was that supposed to further explain the vague questions of the survey?

You OWS folks just aren't very clear about anything.

You just refuse to understand what they are protesting about, as you have been provided with numerous links as to the reasons.. Or you are just too stupid to figure it out for yourself. Either way, keep being ignorant/and or pretending how dumb you are.

Someday I would like you to teach me how you talk out of both sides of your mouth at the same time:

Originally Posted by tinkrbelle
Well then with your analysis-- everyone who is against capitalism shall make no $$$$, ever. He is an entertainer-- he can present information as he sees fit. So, every actor/producer/wirter be they repub or dem-- shall never earn any$$$ speaking out against anything capitalist? Got it.
How do we know what Moore has done for the poor? Maybe he has FREE MOVIE SUNDAYS for all we know, Maybe he donates old DVDs to Goodwill,- what does that have to do with him earning $$.

You just refuse to understand what they are protesting about, as you have been provided with numerous links as to the reasons.. Or you are just too stupid to figure it out for yourself. Either way, keep being ignorant/and or pretending how dumb you are.

You sent the Fake Pilot guy and his caddy into a tail spin - They are now grounded due to stupidity.

You sent the Fake Pilot guy and his caddy into a tail spin - They are now grounded due to stupidity.

More Wall Street whiners shit in public than any other Americans.

More Wall Street whiners sleep in their own shit than any other Americans.

More Wall Street whiners can't do basic arithmetic than any other Americans.

More Wall Street whiners don't take bathes than any other Americans.

More Wall Street whiners are thieves than any other Americans.

Fewer Wall Street whiners understand basic economic theory then any other Americans....

Here is a sad story from the Occupiers:

"From 1979 to 2007 the wealthiest 1% doubled their take of the nations total income."
What really bothers me is that our pensions were completly screwed over so that the CEO's could get bigger Golden Parachutes, in the meantime they were laying off reps, and decreasing our salaries/yearly bonuses. The system is skewed for the TOP 1%.

Oh no, what is next asking you to work more than 3 hours a day? Yes, you poor downtrodden drug reps.


I'm not so sure that Tink is a drug rep. Judging from her syntax and grammer, I think she's at best a junior college freshman. Oh, excuse me: That's freshperson.

I have to laugh.
This coming from Einstein.:D

Seems to me you went to a State College- maybe just a Junior College?

And why the hell would I be on a "drug rep" board if I were not one?

Is that because you know you're not a drug rep?

Actually, I'm not a drug rep any more. Haven't been one since I retired in the mid-nineties as an RSD and started my own business. I first started out as a rep shortly after the Vietnam war, and worked as a DM for six years. Several inside management jobs finished out my career carrying the bag.

Remind me to tell you what it was like back in the days when drug reps were actually allowed to have non-scripted conversations with physicians and discuss the relative efficacies of different therapies. Nowadays drug reps just run around delivering samples and catering lunches, and are not allowed to say a word that hasn't been FDA approved. Remind me to tell you when doctors actually could believe what drug reps told them.

Actually, I'm not a drug rep any more. Haven't been one since I retired in the mid-nineties as an RSD and started my own business. I first started out as a rep shortly after the Vietnam war, and worked as a DM for six years. Several inside management jobs finished out my career carrying the bag.

Remind me to tell you what it was like back in the days when drug reps were actually allowed to have non-scripted conversations with physicians and discuss the relative efficacies of different therapies. Nowadays drug reps just run around delivering samples and catering lunches, and are not allowed to say a word that hasn't been FDA approved. Remind me to tell you when doctors actually could believe what drug reps told them.

And remind me to tell you about the days when we were alerted by our DMs of certain batches of 'unmarked samples' coming through so we could grease pharmacists who controlled what tranquilizers nursing home patients were on. Then they could perform massive product switches based on the 'scientific' unscripted info we gave them. Yeah, the good ol' days, sleazy as fuck but hey, I won a color TV in a sales contest once. Isn't that what wer'e talkin' about? Sales?

And remind me to tell you about the days when we were alerted by our DMs of certain batches of 'unmarked samples' coming through so we could grease pharmacists who controlled what tranquilizers nursing home patients were on. Then they could perform massive product switches based on the 'scientific' unscripted info we gave them. Yeah, the good ol' days, sleazy as fuck but hey, I won a color TV in a sales contest once. Isn't that what wer'e talkin' about? Sales?

And remind me to tell you when we used to leave samples without getting a signature, and we didn't have monthly sample inventory, and we didn't have to write down one name of a person who attended our lunch and learns.

Oh, and talking off-label- common practice, and encouraged by Marketing Dept- even had sales aides for it.
Riding with your asshole DM-- Once a year.
Those were the Best days in Pharma and they ended in 2001 with the new PHarma codes.

And remind me to tell you when we used to leave samples without getting a signature, and we didn't have monthly sample inventory, and we didn't have to write down one name of a person who attended our lunch and learns.

Oh, and talking off-label- common practice, and encouraged by Marketing Dept- even had sales aides for it.
Riding with your asshole DM-- Once a year.
Those were the Best days in Pharma and they ended in 2001 with the new PHarma codes.

Yeah, at first, no sig requirsd at all, no tracking required at all. I saw Lilly reps handing out Tuinal, Nembutal & Seconal like they were candy. Then there was Quaalude - we had some nice, innocent fucking and sucking going on from time to time at National meetings when they broke those out. Then of course, we had Biphetamine to wake up with the next morning.

BB is right, the illicit use of prescription dfrugs way back when was such an honorable (LOL!) and remarkable thing.... real talent emerged back then........

God I loved those ludes..........

Nope. Cities are tiring of their antics, filth, bringing in the homeless, ACORN, and unions for a mindless, pointless protest. Their own greed in their own system has been exposed. Their desire for handouts and to have what you have even when they haven't earned it is the only central idea.

One of the earliest videos showed a youth screaming at an older Jewish man that by God, he was not going to work for $10 an hour. The Jewish man calmly responded that yes, he earned more, by working in a career for over 40 years.

This movement is misguided and out of touch with reality. Who really thinks it's a good idea to go thousands of dollars in debt for an art history degree? When there is nearly full employment levels and an expectation that everyone, regardless of ability, should go to college, you get this nonsense. Many of our youth today are plagued with the issue of wanting everything without doing the work or paying the price to get there. This movement does everything for those of this mindset - they are paying people to protest, doing their laundry, washing their dishes, and feeding them. There is no need for personal responsibility or to make life choices to get ahead. They are simply entitled to whatever the person they see with more has.

This is NOT supported, embraced, or the view of most Americans. Try a poll of people who work for a living.