New phone policy


Is no one else irritated by the new phone policy? Yes, we do have the iphone option but it won't be the same phone you have now. It will be locked down, only approved apps, you can't add your own media, and no calls to family and friends - only in emergencies. It's also on AT&T, not Verizon. I know it's a free phone, spoiled drug reps, blah, blah - save it trolls. I understand 'tightening the belt 'but just cut back the expense limit, don't force us all onto the company plan based on 'data protection '

Next up, no more expensing home Internet. Then it will be the car reimbursement. If I'd know they were going to cut my reimbursements I'd have asked for more salary. So far we are looking @ $200 net out of pocket. Think your raise will be $2400 this year? Oh right, we have a shortfall. We've had the plan for 2015 and now MTPWTF but no one saw this coming. Deerfield if you want to save money stop requiring dinner programs for a 7 yr old drug w/ no new info.

Next up, no more expensing home Internet. Then it will be the car reimbursement. If I'd know they were going to cut my reimbursements I'd have asked for more salary. So far we are looking @ $200 net out of pocket. Think your raise will be $2400 this year? Oh right, we have a shortfall. We've had the plan for 2015 and now MTPWTF but no one saw this coming. Deerfield if you want to save money stop requiring dinner programs for a 7 yr old drug w/ no new info.

Or how about saving money by not having one pointless, meaningless, boring meeting after meeting. "Managers Meeting" What the "F" is that all about. Have a meeting to talk about what we will say at our upcoming meeting?? Give me a break. The NSM has been a joke for years, people hate going and learn very little if anything at all. Or you could stop sending random shit to my house via fedex. The new managed care piece or detail piece can wait and be shipped standard mail, I think we will all live w/o it for a few days

Is no one else irritated by the new phone policy? Yes, we do have the iphone option but it won't be the same phone you have now. It will be locked down, only approved apps, you can't add your own media, and no calls to family and friends - only in emergencies. It's also on AT&T, not Verizon. I know it's a free phone, spoiled drug reps, blah, blah - save it trolls. I understand 'tightening the belt 'but just cut back the expense limit, don't force us all onto the company plan based on 'data protection '

Nobody likes you.

I agree with OP, pushing the company phone plan is weak. At least let us talk freely, some of us are in the car for 3 to 4 hrs some days. Something to make it seem like less of a tracking device.

The new company phone plan isn't about saving the company money, it is about tracking reps via GPS. Pinged every hour, on the hour. Same with the company issued iPad.

So how are the new corporate phones working out? Since you CAN use them for personal calls, unlike one of the posters here stated, and there are quite a few approved apps, is it bearable?

Couple other reasons to mandate a company phone btw - if everyone has the same phone tied into the corporate servers you can put corporate apps on them. SOOOO you get Outlook email on your iPhone, Concur, etc. Seems like a plus to me. It also saves lots of dollars since you get them on one contract and can negotiate it down. Enough, in fact, to pay for the iPad connectivity charges so everyone could get wirless on those things.

And you CAN put personal music and video on them by policy, just won't get restored if the phone dies. Seems good there too.

Just curious... Oh, and all those paranoid 'tracking' folks - nobody cares. Nobody is looking. I know, believe me. Sure they could go look if there was an issue, but if it's not one thing, its another. Way of the world these days.

Stop your damn whining and be happy that you still have a job with insurance.

Yes, this is what it all has come down to in the age of the Big "O" in the whitehouse. Simply be glad you have a job and a stipend to keep yourself alive you slave. How dare you ask for more porridge, oliver twist.
So many of you do not see the liberty and prosperity you are giving up for "hope and change".
In the age of tyranny under our muslim-educated-indonesian-raised master in the oval office, quotes like "Stop your damn whining and be happy that you still have a job with insurance" are becoming far too common place. What that quote really is saying in our new world is "Stop your own independent thinking and common sense reasoning and be happy that you still have a job that provides you just enough to send lots of your money in taxes to washington and keep enough for yourself to put a little food on the table and spend the rest of your time numbing your once intelligent brain with endless, mindless video games; let your master take care of the rest of the world, little boy, little girl. Ssshhhhh....."

I lost my job and am losing my home. Try to pay close to $3500 a month living expenses
on less then $1200 a month from unemployment.
I am sitting here with less then $20 with bills past due and no food in my house.
I have chronic health issues but haven't been able to go to a doctor in months and haven't been able to buy my meds.
So yes be glad you have a job.

So how are the new corporate phones working out? Since you CAN use them for personal calls, unlike one of the posters here stated, and there are quite a few approved apps, is it bearable?

Couple other reasons to mandate a company phone btw - if everyone has the same phone tied into the corporate servers you can put corporate apps on them. SOOOO you get Outlook email on your iPhone, Concur, etc. Seems like a plus to me. It also saves lots of dollars since you get them on one contract and can negotiate it down. Enough, in fact, to pay for the iPad connectivity charges so everyone could get wirless on those things.

And you CAN put personal music and video on them by policy, just won't get restored if the phone dies. Seems good there too.

Just curious... Oh, and all those paranoid 'tracking' folks - nobody cares. Nobody is looking. I know, believe me. Sure they could go look if there was an issue, but if it's not one thing, its another. Way of the world these days.

Just got the company iphone in January. It's not bad. You do have to live without a few apps that you might put on a personal phone, but it's bearable. You CAN make personal calls. It' s not what I would have bought, but it is nice not having to deal with a monthly bill. I also have my itunes library synced up. Pandora is, unfortunately not approved (no streaming apps)

It does control costs, but the real reason is legal. Lots of company specific communications such as texts may be needed in an array of legal matters. There are several articles about this kind of stuff on the web business journals.

You people are idiots. Get your own phone for personal use. That way no one will question your phone use and you'll keep your own number when you get laid off. If you can't spare the "extra" expense you need to be looking for a better job or cut back on your booze bill.

I lost my job and am losing my home. Try to pay close to $3500 a month living expenses
on less then $1200 a month from unemployment.
I am sitting here with less then $20 with bills past due and no food in my house.
I have chronic health issues but haven't been able to go to a doctor in months and haven't been able to buy my meds.
So yes be glad you have a job.

No food but you still have the internet?

No food but you still have the internet?

I was thinking the same things. After reading all these posts, it looks like their is a cotporate home office person posting on CP to "counter detail" all the concerns and issues. It is very obvious. No money, no food, $1200 a month in unemployment. Sad thing is your grantpsrrnts went through this in the 1930's. sometimes in life you fail. Pick yourself up by the bootstraps and start over.

Why would someone so down and out be trolling this website in the middle of a saturday afternoon, when at the very least he/she should be out delivering pizzas to make a few hundred bucks for the week, or be networking to get a new job, or be investigating a business, or raking someones leaves, or painting someones house, or looking for a less expensive place to live, or something.....but this website. Hmmmm.....something doesn't ring true here. Unless it is someone simply waiting for their "hope and change" to drop something from the sky to save his/her butt.

I lost my job and am losing my home. Try to pay close to $3500 a month living expenses
on less then $1200 a month from unemployment.
I am sitting here with less then $20 with bills past due and no food in my house.
I have chronic health issues but haven't been able to go to a doctor in months and haven't been able to buy my meds.
So yes be glad you have a job.

What state ru in?
You may be able to save your home.