New Pain Manager Job Postings


WTF is up with the new postings for Pain Managers? Weren’t the endless interviews that they’ve done already enough?!?

It is the Mix Talent people. This group is all about selling their psychological test. The test is very weird and inappropriate. I wish that the department of labor would step in and ban them.

WTF is up with the new postings for Pain Managers? Weren’t the endless interviews that they’ve done already enough?!?

It is the Mix Talent people. This group is all about selling their psychological test. The test is very weird and inappropriate. I wish that the department of labor would step in and ban them.

I have followed this Process from the sidelines for a few months due to a couple friends Extremely interested in this launch. Unfortunately it seems they experienced the same recruiting issues That everyone else is posting about and didn’t get moved along.

I actually had a recruiter reach out to me and had a pretty good experience with them and they moved me along to speak with the hiring manager. Obviously it seems there have been some issues during this process on boarding people my question is is everyone Trashing this place because they didn’t get hired in the recruiting process was bad or do they actually feel that this drug is going to be a bust and it’s not a good position to go for?

I have followed this Process from the sidelines for a few months due to a couple friends Extremely interested in this launch. Unfortunately it seems they experienced the same recruiting issues That everyone else is posting about and didn’t get moved along.

I actually had a recruiter reach out to me and had a pretty good experience with them and they moved me along to speak with the hiring manager. Obviously it seems there have been some issues during this process on boarding people my question is is everyone Trashing this place because they didn’t get hired in the recruiting process was bad or do they actually feel that this drug is going to be a bust and it’s not a good position to go for?
Thanks for your thoughts, drug rep.

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