Application was crazy specific on pain experience. Any word on what company or product?
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Jun 21, 2015 at 08:51: PM #1 Anonymous Guest Application was crazy specific on pain experience. Any word on what company or product?
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Jun 24, 2015 at 03:43: AM #2 Anonymous Guest movantik- contract for AZ. since reps are currently being moved around from the Summit/DS4 contracts, all outside hiring is on hold until displaced reps are given a job.
movantik- contract for AZ. since reps are currently being moved around from the Summit/DS4 contracts, all outside hiring is on hold until displaced reps are given a job.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Jun 24, 2015 at 09:19: AM #3 Anonymous Guest There are GE reps who are still out!