New on-site meal $ amount.


AZ is starting to get real cheap. They are looking to cut costs in the wrong areas. Has anyone seen the new meal guidance training. They would like on-site meals with HCPs to be around $15 per person with a target of $10. Our limit has always been $25 and it’s been like that since I started 8 years ago.

With the rise in prices and inflation, the $ amount should be going up not down. I know other companies that have limits set at $35-$50.

They would also prefer us to use a network of restaurants that AZ has secured discounts with. Many of them are of no use to me and I’m sure others as they don’t have those restaurants in my region.


Agree w/ you. Not telling an office they have yo use a certain restaurant. I tell them to keep costs between $15-20. Always have. If it goes a little over, but still under the $25 pp, I feel like I am doing the right thing. $10 is a joke.

It’s absurd we have to feed these low-life scum at all. It just shows we don’t really have any value other than catering food. I talked to a doc the other day who was called on by one of my former colleagues for nearly 15 years, and she couldn’t even remember my former colleagues name. Some of you will say that my former colleague must not have been very good, but in reality my former colleague was just a caterer to the doc, and that’s fairly common.

It’s absurd we have to feed these low-life scum at all. It just shows we don’t really have any value other than catering food. I talked to a doc the other day who was called on by one of my former colleagues for nearly 15 years, and she couldn’t even remember my former colleagues name. Some of you will say that my former colleague must not have been very good, but in reality my former colleague was just a caterer to the doc, and that’s fairly common.

I’ve said it for years; pharma guidelines have turned us into sample dropping caterers. I know, I know, some of you feel you are indispensable, but in general, that’s all we’ve become.