new/old doryx card


I work in an office as the phone nurse and patient assistant. We ran out of our no more than $25 Doryx cards last week. Our rep came in today and presented us with what adds up to the same, lame card we had last year which did not work. My sister works in another office as an MA. They were given the 10 pay no more than cards, and 10 cards that wont work. What gives? What are you all trying to pull with this? We had to stop using Doryx all together last year and most of this year because we simply could not get the cards to work. You fixed the problem and we can use it again. Now we appear to be in the same shoes as before.....but it appears that other offices are still getting at least some of the decent cards. Thank you and I apologize if I seem angry...but I am. This stinks and is unfair to our practice and our patients.