New Job


I am sooooooo glad i don't work at BL any longer. Lovin' my new job!!! I hope everyone else can feel this way too. Wishing the best for all of you. Didn't realize how bad BL was for me until now. I'm loving life and my new career!

i love working for bostwick az the best lab better than va,fl,ny eat shit assholes drink some more koolaid oh let me pour you some fool

"The lab in AZ..." ????? now what the fuck r u smoking because there hasnt been a "LAB" in AZ since Sep. 2010 only rat workers that r too scared to go looking which is totally stupid of them....Whos the fool? come on now idot...

I am sooooooo glad i don't work at BL any longer. Lovin' my new job!!! I hope everyone else can feel this way too. Wishing the best for all of you. Didn't realize how bad BL was for me until now. I'm loving life and my new career!

I start mine June 1 and couldn't be happier! Totally unrelated to this BS industry! We were conditioned to think we couldn't make that money anywhere esle....THAT was total bullshit too! Once you stop drinking the BL laced kool-aid, you'll find that's true too. You get back from a career what you put into it....EXCEPT at BL. DGB AND his poser company both suck big time.