New iPads and GPS


The days of working 2 days a week and 3 hours a day are gone with the iPads and GPS built in. Don't believe me?...check out your kids iPad (if they have one thru school, for example), if your kid loses his/her iPad, they just tell the school, they click a button and it comes up exactly where it is (and where it's been).

Big brother has his eyes on you now. Just thought I'd share that news...

The days of working 2 days a week and 3 hours a day are gone with the iPads and GPS built in. Don't believe me?...check out your kids iPad (if they have one thru school, for example), if your kid loses his/her iPad, they just tell the school, they click a button and it comes up exactly where it is (and where it's been).

Big brother has his eyes on you now. Just thought I'd share that news...

Here's an idea... Just do the job they pay you to do. 40 hours is not to much ask. You are a joke! Grow up!

i can hear it now. "It looks like you where at dr. smith for an hour and a half?" Rep- yes. DM- what took so long? Rep "I was the 3rd rep in line to see dr smith" "Then waited an hour for the doctor to sign" DM-"work harder" Rep "K" Rep- " i will be clocking out for my lunch break, then clocking in to do the drivers ILearn"

Disable gps in the settings. Current location will be unavailable if u try to get directions off the web. Or turn it off if you are that lazy to fake calls.

You cannot disable GPS and no matter if its turned off or not, it still me on this one.

If you are in the field every day at 8 (not leaving your house at 8, but IN THE FIELD) and out in the field til 5 (not arriving to daycare at 445), every single day, Monday thru Friday, not dry cleaning pick up or drop off, no dentist appointment, etc. then you are a better person that me...

You cannot disable GPS and no matter if its turned off or not, it still me on this one.

If you are in the field every day at 8 (not leaving your house at 8, but IN THE FIELD) and out in the field til 5 (not arriving to daycare at 445), every single day, Monday thru Friday, not dry cleaning pick up or drop off, no dentist appointment, etc. then you are a better person that me...

If its turned off GPS is off period

If you're a black chick or other minority you'll get away with murder
I've seen aformentioned get busted & it took over a year to terminate

On the flip side if you be a white dude you will be screwed the 1st time
your ipad sees you in the can longer than 10 minutes

If you're a black chick or other minority you'll get away with murder
I've seen aformentioned get busted & it took over a year to terminate

On the flip side if you be a white dude you will be screwed the 1st time
your ipad sees you in the can longer than 10 minutes

Has anyone you know been fired because of GPS tracking? At Novartis or other company

Has anyone you know been fired because of GPS tracking? At Novartis or other company

Well, lets see...has anyone been fired from any other job in any other industry where they didn't work the hours they were paid to do? ummm, yes. Prepare for more micromanaging than ever before.

and to the douchebag who said, "turn it off", your iPad knows...go to an Apple store and ask, asshole.

You cannot disable GPS and no matter if its turned off or not, it still me on this one.

If you are in the field every day at 8 (not leaving your house at 8, but IN THE FIELD) and out in the field til 5 (not arriving to daycare at 445), every single day, Monday thru Friday, not dry cleaning pick up or drop off, no dentist appointment, etc. then you are a better person that me...

The problem with this is some reps live in their territory.

Your blackberry already has gps. Partner was fired using it as evidence he didnt work.

Whatever, half the sales force doesn't use it anyways. Makes for a good paperweight at home. Not gonna use that piece of crap over my iPhone with unlimited minutes etc.

Again, I say...whatever to your bberry gps story.

C'mon people get a grip. There has been talk of GPS since the early days. You think they are going to spend resources on tracking people when they can't even afford to hold meetings anymore. People who don't work are worried about tracking.
Also managers take their liberties as well. I rarely hear of a manager who spends a "whole" day in the field. I once took a manager to home depot at their request. It was only 15 minutes but still.
To catch someone not in territory you have to actually catch them: because everything else can be explained away provided your not sloppy about your actions.
And the number one reason how reps get caught is through counterparts. Even if they are out to cover for you, that will only go so far.

C'mon people get a grip. There has been talk of GPS since the early days. You think they are going to spend resources on tracking people when they can't even afford to hold meetings anymore. People who don't work are worried about tracking.
Also managers take their liberties as well. I rarely hear of a manager who spends a "whole" day in the field. I once took a manager to home depot at their request. It was only 15 minutes but still.
To catch someone not in territory you have to actually catch them: because everything else can be explained away provided your not sloppy about your actions.
And the number one reason how reps get caught is through counterparts. Even if they are out to cover for you, that will only go so far.

That's why it's imperative to "get the goods" on someone. Always have something up your sleeve that you can use against someone. It's a dog eat dog world and you want the other guy or woman to be wearing the MilkBone underwears.

Don't laugh at the GPS idea. Companies yrs ago used it in company cars to track reps. with the employment rules getting harder to fire reps because of all the lawsuits and atty's just waiting to take on big pharma companies need an edge to use against you.

If you are in the crosshairs then you will be checked on with GPS tracking. Just like any other method of documentation used against you, they will find a way to track you. So if you hit Starbucks more than the 2 times per day break period or the drive-thru before the alloted lunch time u will be in trouble. Sounds much like grammar school doesn't it. 2 recesses a 1 luch break/day.

How could anybody trust Home Office with all the sneeky BS they have pulled in the past. Beware of big brother he s watching you!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't laugh at the GPS idea. Companies yrs ago used it in company cars to track reps. with the employment rules getting harder to fire reps because of all the lawsuits and atty's just waiting to take on big pharma companies need an edge to use against you.

If you are in the crosshairs then you will be checked on with GPS tracking. Just like any other method of documentation used against you, they will find a way to track you. So if you hit Starbucks more than the 2 times per day break period or the drive-thru before the alloted lunch time u will be in trouble. Sounds much like grammar school doesn't it. 2 recesses a 1 luch break/day.

How could anybody trust Home Office with all the sneeky BS they have pulled in the past. Beware of big brother he s watching you!!!!!!!!!!!

I get 2 recesses and 1 lunch break per day? Where did the afternoon nap time go.