New IC Plan

Are you insinuating SQNM reps steal money by cheating on their expenses? If so you are sadly mistaken this is the hardest working most honest group of sales professionals God has ever placed on this earth. Any BDM would gladly submit to a complete and through audit of their expenses at any time without any notice. Right? Right?

Ariosa Diagnostics Shows Continued Growth of the Harmony™ Prenatal Test in Fourth Quarter of 2013 and Obtains CPT Code. SQNM is screwed. Ariosa will eat up the OB/GYN commercial market and leave the high risk non resource patients for the others. Get your resumes together

Rumor is if we aren't profitable by end of 2014 the show is over. Wake up everyone, we are on a sinking ship. If you don't have your resumes out already you are way behind.

Rumor is if we aren't profitable by end of 2014 the show is over. Wake up everyone, we are on a sinking ship. If you don't have your resumes out already you are way behind.

LMAO this whole board is just 1 guy talking to himself making stupid remarks that get proven false constantly....... lemme guess the next poster will say the share price is still low. yeah thats true but the market will adjust that real quick after Q1

LMAO this whole board is just 1 guy talking to himself making stupid remarks that get proven false constantly....... lemme guess the next poster will say the share price is still low. yeah thats true but the market will adjust that real quick after Q1[/

Ok I know this is not Bill as he is too smart to post this, yes I said Bill is smart about something. How do you explain going from $4.60 to $2.48 in 9 months? What do you think has changed to say Q1 is going to be better? BTW, I am an insider and it WILL not happen!

LMAO this whole board is just 1 guy talking to himself making stupid remarks that get proven false constantly....... lemme guess the next poster will say the share price is still low. yeah thats true but the market will adjust that real quick after Q1[/

Ok I know this is not Bill as he is too smart to post this, yes I said Bill is smart about something. How do you explain going from $4.60 to $2.48 in 9 months? What do you think has changed to say Q1 is going to be better? BTW, I am an insider and it WILL not happen!

LMAO you're an insider ? insider trader or just plain short ? what did i say the next poster will talk about the share price ?? like it is anything remotely close to sequenoms value as a company.

like anyone who is an insider would post about it. maybe your IP address should be tracked

LMAO you're an insider ? insider trader or just plain short ? what did i say the next poster will talk about the share price ?? like it is anything remotely close to sequenoms value as a company.

like anyone who is an insider would post about it. maybe your IP address should be tracked

Dip Shit Bill!!! Do you think I am that stupid to use my SQNM computer so you can track my computer? No wonder this company is in the shitter?????