New hires


Its comical to see all tnese new hires straight out of college with no experiencd trying to tell a doctor to use their product. They dont know the science and half the time dont know what a doctor is talking about. Oh Lilly, you get what you pay for.

Come on people. Get with it. The future is young and tech. The best part is they get put on brand teams and essentially have a higher position than a 20 year sales vet. It is about money. Millennial a will work for perks that turn out to be very cheap for Lilly. Oh cool free burrito Friday’s! No pension who cares! This whole system is bunk. Crazy part is leadership thinks this will propel us forward. That is the really disturbing part. Good luck all. Take off fridays and warm up the resume.

It isn’t. Just window dressing really. How many reps for Lilly are leaving? Answer is a bunch of them. This company is playing catch up in every way possible. I myself am ready to go. Can’t wait!

I am retired now, but remember a time when the company had a good reputation.

It's toast now. Prices are too high, everything is a #metoo product, I could go on but you already know.

The world is your oyster. Don't get stuck without a few pearls in your life.