New this


Lilly was not following their own guideline of protecting your healthcare choice when you are asked to fill out 70 that wouldn't beprudent if I snort all your outgoing unencrypted conenctions? would it be? I cot Lilly IT partner red handed, and admonished them not to make mistake again...but mistakes do happen...and you pay. Don't let snorters snuff your private healthcare data...form russia with smile

As a new Lilly hire I was told to ignore the reallocated scum that bad mouths the company on Cafe Pharma. This gig at Lilly is by far the best option out there for those sales people looking for an opportunity. Sure it may be temporary, but what sales position isn't in this economy. I'm going to use this opportunity at Lilly to better prepare me for my next opportunity which may or may not be at Lilly. Who in the hell would want to work in a pharma sales position all their life anyway? It's a great entry point for a career, but nothing someone with ambition and talent would want to stay in for 10 to 30 years. I'm surprised Lilly has kept people in these positions that long. People like that are just leaches sucking away the lifeblood of those with initiative.

Lilly was not following their own guideline of protecting your healthcare choice when you are asked to fill out 70 that wouldn't beprudent if I snort all your outgoing unencrypted conenctions? would it be? I cot Lilly IT partner red handed, and admonished them not to make mistake again...but mistakes do happen...and you pay. Don't let snorters snuff your private healthcare data...form russia with smile

For that matter be extremely careful of employee sentiment surveys, especially during the first six months. Anything you say can and will be used against you. Silence is the golden rule.

As a new Lilly hire I was told to ignore the reallocated scum that bad mouths the company on Cafe Pharma. This gig at Lilly is by far the best option out there for those sales people looking for an opportunity. Sure it may be temporary, but what sales position isn't in this economy. I'm going to use this opportunity at Lilly to better prepare me for my next opportunity which may or may not be at Lilly. Who in the hell would want to work in a pharma sales position all their life anyway? It's a great entry point for a career, but nothing someone with ambition and talent would want to stay in for 10 to 30 years. I'm surprised Lilly has kept people in these positions that long. People like that are just leaches sucking away the lifeblood of those with initiative.

My, oh my, are you ever in for a rude awakening!!! I feel sorry for you when you finally realize what a horrendous mistake you have made by going to work for Lilly.

Sorry. I must be sad to be you.

As a new Lilly hire I was told to ignore the reallocated scum that bad mouths the company on Cafe Pharma. This gig at Lilly is by far the best option out there for those sales people looking for an opportunity. Sure it may be temporary, but what sales position isn't in this economy. I'm going to use this opportunity at Lilly to better prepare me for my next opportunity which may or may not be at Lilly. Who in the hell would want to work in a pharma sales position all their life anyway? It's a great entry point for a career, but nothing someone with ambition and talent would want to stay in for 10 to 30 years. I'm surprised Lilly has kept people in these positions that long. People like that are just leaches sucking away the lifeblood of those with initiative.

That is called back stabbing or Promises Not Kept. People get sucked in to believing that this is the last job you will have, and that is why the company has hired yoi. 98% people were told such lies. You are only 2% rarity whose days will be shorter than you have been led to believe. Post here after six months if still not embitterned.

That is called back stabbing or Promises Not Kept. People get sucked in to believing that this is the last job you will have, and that is why the company has hired yoi. 98% people were told such lies. You are only 2% rarity whose days will be shorter than you have been led to believe. Post here after six months if still not embitterned.

You always have a home here... it's like AA is to alcoholics. Please don't drink yourself to death. There is always Cafe Pharma. Just vent your spleen and then some... if we don't want to listen, we won't.

Just don't ask for a sponsor.