With the appointment of Dr. Roberts as the head of D&R does this mean that John Sheets is no longer in charge of D&R?
JS was fired.
They probably figured B+L Pharma D&R should have identified the problems with Soothe prior to sale. Although I did notice that the product Soothe was not entered into Dr. Roberts Biography in the announcement of him being appointed the head of D&R.
It was the performance of Pharma D&R that caused him to lose his job. Vision Care D&R and Surgical D&R did OK last year.
There will likely be a refocus of the D&R on more DEVELOPMENT and not much R It does not make since to spend too much time on research activities that might show promise in 7 years when we could get a better return by focusing in on DEVELOPMENT activities that could show results in 3 months to 2 years.
Look for an organizational change that will make sure activities are focused on DEVELOPMENT activities.