New Head of Research at B+L

They probably figured B+L Pharma D&R should have identified the problems with Soothe prior to sale. Although I did notice that the product Soothe was not entered into Dr. Roberts Biography in the announcement of him being appointed the head of D&R.

They probably figured B+L Pharma D&R should have identified the problems with Soothe prior to sale. Although I did notice that the product Soothe was not entered into Dr. Roberts Biography in the announcement of him being appointed the head of D&R.

Flemming Ornskov brokered the deal with Alimera (the same folks he worked with at Novartis; they're all ex-novartis incl. PS and KK); all very incestuous!

There will likely be a refocus of the D&R on more DEVELOPMENT and not much R It does not make since to spend too much time on research activities that might show promise in 7 years when we could get a better return by focusing in on DEVELOPMENT activities that could show results in 3 months to 2 years.

Look for an organizational change that will make sure activities are focused on DEVELOPMENT activities.

The D&R is just window dressing and has been for a while. WP does not want to spend another dollar even on a launch as they want all of this sold yesterday. They have to some some sort of D&R in place to be able to make this look like a viable entity; but that's about it. If you understand this you will understand why there are no new products nor will there be under present ownership. It is disheartening to see all this theorizing on CP about how and when the D&R will be spruced up and new products will show up or how we need more development and less research. None of the above will take place with WP here as this all costs $ and puts $ at risk in terms of ROI. They have bet enough on this place and will not up the ante any further.

They do spend a lot of money on salaries for D&R. Probably can not keep this up much longer if there is no product return for the salary investment.

Keeping $100,000 manikins in the D&R labs for show when buyers come around to look at the facilities seems silly.

There will likely be a refocus of the D&R on more DEVELOPMENT and not much R It does not make since to spend too much time on research activities that might show promise in 7 years when we could get a better return by focusing in on DEVELOPMENT activities that could show results in 3 months to 2 years.

Look for an organizational change that will make sure activities are focused on DEVELOPMENT activities.

Agreed, there is way too much activity in D&R that is not focused and that does not provide value to the company. If we just made it a POLICY that EVERYONE in D&R spend 100% of their time and effort on the DEVELOPMENT activities that can get us some products quickly through the FDA we can turn this thing around.

Too many people in D&R are working on activities that build up their resumes and don't bring value to the company.