I want a Highlander but I don't want to pay extra for it. If we all complain about it in any survey we can we might be able to change the tide. Spread the word. Thoughts on selection?
I want a Highlander but I don't want to pay extra for it. If we all complain about it in any survey we can we might be able to change the tide. Spread the word. Thoughts on selection?
I want a Highlander but I don't want to pay extra for it. If we all complain about it in any survey we can we might be able to change the tide. Spread the word. Thoughts on selection?
I want the blue one! My mommy said I'm special! Let's take to social media and complain! SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU CRYING LITTLE BITCH!! You get a free car you fucking idiot! Talk to your friends who pay $4 a gallon for gas $2000 for insurance and additional $ for upkeep! Go occupy Wall Street you fucking looser, you aren't entitled to jack squat!!
I'm not the OP.
The F-ing idiots are the ones who think the car is free. It's a part of your comp just like insurance (no that's not free either). How the hell we employ people with so little economic sense is beyond me. Absolutely nothing anywhere is ever "free" ever.
Yep you pay $70 some per month so it isn't free but pretty damn close
Yep you pay $70 some per month so it isn't free but pretty damn close
I'm not the OP.
The F-ing idiots are the ones who think the car is free. It's a part of your comp just like insurance (no that's not free either). How the hell we employ people with so little economic sense is beyond me. Absolutely nothing anywhere is ever "free" ever.
Give me a break! You are probably the sam idiot who looks at their comp statement an thinks journey classes and training are part of their comp!! Give me other jobs that employees make around $150K and get car for $70 a month clear?? It's a free car, be happy with the options given you jackass!!
Again, what are the choices?
I'm fine with the selections. You're lack of basic economic knowledge is what's disturbing. How is it so hard to understand that use of a car is also compensation. It's not like journey classes because those had no value. It's more like health insurance. You're doing a job and part of your comp is use of a vehicle. This isn't difficult. I can only surmise that your a home office employee and this is petty jealousy. If you're in sales how 'bout you send me some of that free money you get twice a month? Come on! It's free right?