New Ethicon Device


Anybody seen the new enseal? I have seen an ass load of there new generators in my ORs this month and I'm hearing the nurses talk like they are going to be trialing the new device. WTF? Hell, 2 of my HPG accounts even brought that piece of shit in. This company better start holding these hospitals to their contracts or I about to bolt!

I wouldn't worry about it. Unless it's a combination device like Thunderbeat (if Olympus ever gets it to work), it's just window dressing. A box with two plugs for two devices? Not gonna get anyone excited.

G2 takes a little getting used to but once mastered, it's got some advantages. Side by side it makes impact look like a toy. Way more technology happening within the jaws of g2

Ethicon Just bought SterileMed Reprocessing. JJ has plenty of $ to figure out how to clean up Impact and sell it for $400 (all profit for them) and hospitals will buy it every day all day long. Don't kid yourself, contracts run the show.