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New Derm company expansion?


I sent my resume to a recruiter who contacted me. He is hiring for an expansion for a small to midsize dermatology company. He would not tell me the name (I hate that) I guess until they decide to interview. He said they had been out a few years. I mentioned Medicis and Graceway, but he said he couldn't say. It appeared by the way he replied those would not be the ones. Does anyone know? I am extremely curious! I have good numbers and awards so I hope to be interviewed.

Thanks for any info!


I sent my resume to a recruiter who contacted me. He is hiring for an expansion for a small to midsize dermatology company. He would not tell me the name (I hate that) I guess until they decide to interview. He said they had been out a few years. I mentioned Medicis and Graceway, but he said he couldn't say. It appeared by the way he replied those would not be the ones. Does anyone know? I am extremely curious! I have good numbers and awards so I hope to be interviewed.

Thanks for any info!

Its definitely not Medicis or Galderma. Both are large and have been around alot longer than a few years. Some newer smaller companies that could be expanding may be Onset, Quinnova or Leo. However if it is any of those, you should definitely run!

It is probably Leo, I would run. I know people from other companies are on this board dissing Galderma. If you can sell and you are willing to work you can get the rewards. I was totally pumped after last week's meeting and I like where the SR. Sales management is trying to take us. We finally have people that actually carried the bag leading the teams and they know what the hell they are doing. These big pharma detail people just want to show up and go through the motions and still get rewarded. That time has passed. The people crying about having to work to get rewarded need to grow up or go and take up space at some other company. However, I am not sure where you can go in pharma and have what we have here.

It could be one of any number of companies, dope. There are a number of derm companies expending their sales forces. Galderma is obviously not one of them.

Name derm companies expanding you ass clown. Dermik- ? I don't think so - GSK Steifle - nope. Medicis no everything else is some little dopey company without a pipeline, coverage or a future.

Name derm companies expanding you ass clown. Dermik- ? I don't think so - GSK Steifle - nope. Medicis no everything else is some little dopey company without a pipeline, coverage or a future.

Hey AMATURE!! every hear of LEO pharma...#1 in Europe...prob not...cuz your a Galderma AZZCLOWN!! LOL get your jerkoff head out of the sand!!

Hey Leo guy, what the heck are you doing on this board? Big deal number one in Europe? Questionable, total company or in a specific area? If that is the expansion opportunity in Derm - God Help us. I will stay with where I am.

Good luck

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