New Computer System SUCKS


It took an extra 15 minutes in each call to work the system. What bullshit.
It would have been nice if they consulted rep's who make the calls.

Trying to be objective....not 1 positive thing about it. Again, Galderma sol a world of goods, soend, spend, spemd. Maybe the person who recommended this is related to ,guess who, we have alot of that going on. Didn't u know???

More info of relationship buying to come. You will be shocked

Each and every territory differs. It can be easy to do 5 stops in one territory or 9 in another.
Galderma gets it and understands. It's all good.
The only issue now is that they do not want to pay us, by making our quotas

Oh well, it's okay. Where I live, i'm loaded

I know 3-year-olds who can quickly and easily navigate an iPad 2; but I, a college educated adult CANNOT quickly OR easily navigate this stupid system. First day in the field, maybe 3 out of 10 signatures. Wow. God, I actually miss FAST. Never thought I would say that. The SCC guys are by and large fine by me, but this system blows.

I know 3-year-olds who can quickly and easily navigate an iPad 2; but I, a college educated adult CANNOT quickly OR easily navigate this stupid system. First day in the field, maybe 3 out of 10 signatures. Wow. God, I actually miss FAST. Never thought I would say that. The SCC guys are by and large fine by me, but this system blows.


The system justifies jobs for Galderma texas people and allows them the South Lake lifestyle. No other reason.

5 competitors are on paper, and they have no PDMA concerns.