New company name and logo has been revealed!


I can't give all the details on here, for obvious reasons, but the new company name has been chosen along with the new logo!

The new company's name begins with the letter G, and the new logo is an ingenious design! I'll leave it up to you to figure out the rest.



If true, it's actually not bad, especially from a brand recognition stand point. As I look at my computer screen while it's backing up, I see the logo spinning, which shows both the A and the G. It's plausible. What's the word for seeing things in mirror image, kind of a visual dyslexia?

I can't give all the details on here, for obvious reasons, but the new company name has been chosen along with the new logo!

The new company's name begins with the letter G, and the new logo is an ingenious design! I'll leave it up to you to figure out the rest.


Great if old Abbott will sign a copyright infringement waiver but since they probably won't they will probably file a lawsuit as soon as the logo goes public to suck out the last few bucks.