New Company Cell Phones

I also heard that Forest will also make it mandatory that all sales forces will be required to have a chip implanted into everyone's left heel. This way they will know your whereabouts and even what each person is thinking! Seriously, to the OP, how fucking stupid are you?

If the give them to the RD's and the VP's they will be amazed at several things. First, they will find they do work long hours (despite what some reps think). Second, not all of those hours are from 8-5. Again, not surprising. Yes, Forest, even the leadership team takes some hours during the day to run their personal lives....pick up kids, hit the bank or doctor, etc. And those hours - which come out of "selling time" - are more than made up for by the hours everyone put in on nights and weekends. That's why we are salaried, not hourly employees. That's why we don't - and never should - have to punch a timeclock or have big brother monitoring every single step we take.

Now, why are they any different than the other 3,000 field people? Short answer is they are not. But they can never admit that....

the company cell phones are not for monitoring voice but are for monitoring location.......

Only Forest would come up with an idea like this ... too funny. In most companies/industries, the sales people don't need to be monitored like this. I wonder why this is ....? mmmmmm. Think about it Mr. DM/RD!