NEW Class Action Forming!


I was contacted by a representative from SWH via mail this weekend inviting me to be interviewed about a new class action that's forming against Novartis. The claim will surround the area of training and the way pharmaceutical companies administer mandatory testing that is unreasonable in the requirements to achieve a "passing grade" and keep their employment.

The suite claims that the standards kept by pharma companies don't match up to the expectations of passing scores in the world of standard academia and therefore are unreasonable, especially when the result of "failing" a test with a 80-90% score would be termination or punishment versus praise in the real world.

I'm going to opt in as they said the potential settlement in this case could be significantly higher than any yet, also the "class" would potentially be bigger as well. I'm still going for it! More free money!


I was contacted by a representative from SWH via mail this weekend inviting me to be interviewed about a new class action that's forming against Novartis. The claim will surround the area of training and the way pharmaceutical companies administer mandatory testing that is unreasonable in the requirements to achieve a "passing grade" and keep their employment.

The suite claims that the standards kept by pharma companies don't match up to the expectations of passing scores in the world of standard academia and therefore are unreasonable, especially when the result of "failing" a test with a 80-90% score would be termination or punishment versus praise in the real world.

I'm going to opt in as they said the potential settlement in this case could be significantly higher than any yet, also the "class" would potentially be bigger as well. I'm still going for it! More free money!


they are saying that the Fed Justice Dept is out gunning for Novartis. It is an arrogantly run company with atrocious internal controls and policies. They also don't really defend themselves when challenged except by hiring their own lawyers and then settling. there is no downside to suing or joining a suit against novartis. whitleblower suits are sealed until presented by the justice dept when the trial starts and the settlement follows shortly aftert that.

I was contacted by a representative from SWH via mail this weekend inviting me to be interviewed about a new class action that's forming against Novartis. The claim will surround the area of training and the way pharmaceutical companies administer mandatory testing that is unreasonable in the requirements to achieve a "passing grade" and keep their employment.

The suite claims that the standards kept by pharma companies don't match up to the expectations of passing scores in the world of standard academia and therefore are unreasonable, especially when the result of "failing" a test with a 80-90% score would be termination or punishment versus praise in the real world.

I'm going to opt in as they said the potential settlement in this case could be significantly higher than any yet, also the "class" would potentially be bigger as well. I'm still going for it! More free money!

I call bs. If everyone that has completed training is held to the same standard how can their be a lawsuit. That being said, if you can't make a 90 or better on the NPC tests then either (a) you didn't read and study your training materials enough or (b) your not smart enough to pass the test and not smart enough to be in front of a doctor selling the product.

I call bs. If everyone that has completed training is held to the same standard how can their be a lawsuit. That being said, if you can't make a 90 or better on the NPC tests then either (a) you didn't read and study your training materials enough or (b) your not smart enough to pass the test and not smart enough to be in front of a doctor selling the product.

Lets see when I was in training some of the GA's RA's etc...copied the test & gave them to the hotties that would put out . I'd say that's a fair system !

I was contacted by a representative from SWH via mail this weekend inviting me to be interviewed about a new class action that's forming against Novartis. The claim will surround the area of training and the way pharmaceutical companies administer mandatory testing that is unreasonable in the requirements to achieve a "passing grade" and keep their employment.

The suite claims that the standards kept by pharma companies don't match up to the expectations of passing scores in the world of standard academia and therefore are unreasonable, especially when the result of "failing" a test with a 80-90% score would be termination or punishment versus praise in the real world.

I'm going to opt in as they said the potential settlement in this case could be significantly higher than any yet, also the "class" would potentially be bigger as well. I'm still going for it! More free money!

Heck I was a break out leader three times and I can certainly attest to some of the garbage that we were told to do during the training of new hires.

This rumor is NOT TRUE. Don't call SWH and bother them, they have more important things to do. I verified, although I knew it was BS. Start some other funny link, but having hundreds of bored reps reaching out to them is LAME!

I was contacted by a representative from SWH via mail this weekend inviting me to be interviewed about a new class action that's forming against Novartis. The claim will surround the area of training and the way pharmaceutical companies administer mandatory testing that is unreasonable in the requirements to achieve a "passing grade" and keep their employment.

The suite claims that the standards kept by pharma companies don't match up to the expectations of passing scores in the world of standard academia and therefore are unreasonable, especially when the result of "failing" a test with a 80-90% score would be termination or punishment versus praise in the real world.

I'm going to opt in as they said the potential settlement in this case could be significantly higher than any yet, also the "class" would potentially be bigger as well. I'm still going for it! More free money!

My God. Will this liberal approach to the world ever end!!!
Just go out and work, do your best and success will come your way at Novartis or some where else. Every one is looking for the easy way out of work. We are an entitlement country and it's getting worse under Obama.
Wake up people. Quit waiting for the next class action law suit and just do your job!