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Jim Swanson. Generally viewed as good guy and was the first VP/CIO when I started at JNJ. He was also well respected during the Bayer-Monsanto acquisition.
just to clarify, he was never “the” CIO of all J&J. I don’t recall that he was ever the group CIO for Pharma, either, although that position has been such a revolving door I could be wrong.

Blast from Past, good old days. I believe John Fox used to be global Pharma CIO and he was R&D VP (didn’t use to have funky CIO titles but VP was defacto functional CIO). He can do some clean up but some of the damage done bubbles SM ,DZ is so deep that it will take some real chopping to stop the infection.

Reading between the lines, Duato preferred another candidate, but Paul whispered JS in his ear.
Must the CIO fail (again), if at all possible with their support, Duato is already out of the wind (not his 1st choice), and Paul, being the viceroy, cannot be overthrown, as long as our research keeps booming.
Not a bad start at all.

Jim was Senior Director for Clinical Systems Pharma R&D around 2002-2004 - got elevated to VP and became the temporary boss of his peers. Then JB came in. JS jumped ship to Merck a few years later, then to Monsanto (OMG). Good guy. Plenty of people still in R&D IT who know him.

Rumor mill goes that he is already in contact with former IT cols in JnJ - updating him on the current state of the org. Very interesting this

Yes, hearing the same, he is learning all about the dysfunction that has gone on over the couple years. Also about the vendor relationships that we all continue to question. Looking forward to the cleanup.

Word on the street is Schwanson's gonna clean house. He plans to start with the bozos that remain from his days in Skillman. Kinda funny! Sorta like Pharma Karma -- right Tom?

I'll bet Tom W thought he was a shoo in - must have been shocked when he was not even considered.

He will now be manipulating his way into staying in his role under the new CIO.

Nope - Tom will actually be "shooed" out and rather quickly from what I'm hearing. As someone on this board noted, JS does not like ass kissers or dead wood!. Plus he has an axe to grind with TW!