New CFO? What happened to the old one?

From Burberry, so she's got experience at a UK based company founded in the 19th century in the process of self destruction. A perfect fit.

The old guy refused to transition so he had to go.

"The problem is all inside your head," she said to me
"The answer is easy if you take it logically
I'd like to help you in your struggle to be free
There must be fifty ways to leave your employer"

The quote, "All-female top team" might sound like a good headline, but they seem to be forgetting 7 out of 13 c-suite positions (currently still) identify as male. The likes of Roger Connor, Luke Miels, Tony Wood, Regis Simard, Phil Thompson, David Redfern & James Ford...

Yes, that part didn't make sense to me. Still tons of male GLT so not sure where this "all female" exec team thing is coming from

The quote, "All-female top team" might sound like a good headline, but they seem to be forgetting 7 out of 13 c-suite positions (currently still) identify as male. The likes of Roger Connor, Luke Miels, Tony Wood, Regis Simard, Phil Thompson, David Redfern & James Ford...

Roger Connor, Luke Miels, Tony Wood, Regis Simard, Phil Thompson, David Redfern & James Ford all identify as female. Game, set, match.

The pay packages for these executives are absurd. The new CFO will start with almost 1m pounds salary with up to 300% bonus, plus stock and other allowances. They all seem to have a chauffeured Range Rover, etc. Need to curb these excesses and start clawing back for poor stock performance.

The pay packages for these executives are absurd. The new CFO will start with almost 1m pounds salary with up to 300% bonus, plus stock and other allowances. They all seem to have a chauffeured Range Rover, etc. Need to curb these excesses and start clawing back for poor stock performance.
Yep, pure and total bullshit. Everyone knows that the reps keep the lights on and are why we have any profitability.

It's a big complex organization.
It essentially does many things.
And how does it add up in terms of what dkes it do, looks can be deciding so to speak, depends from whicj brick and step one views it from on the pyramid...
Overall, from top view based on visible and frankly not so visible action who always do add up one way or another visibly as a consecuence

What did Ian Mac actually achieve as CFO? And how does the company measure the value delivered by the many hundreds of SVP’s that we employ. Their salary packages are astronomical and they even receive a £8K or so annual allowance for tax advice on how to benefit most from all the LTI, stock, bonus and IPT awards they receive … no wonder the stock price is so low ….

So, here's how it is. Monday and Tuesday were green. Unfortunately, after closing bell on Tuesday, I went to Jack in the Box to get a burger, and while sitting in the drive thru my car's Check Engine Light came on. For the past few months, it's been misfiring when idling, turning on the CEL, then the issue goes away after a while... I don't understand it. But anyway, all week, I didn't drive much, so the car would have been in CEL mode the whole time. The markets were also red those days. I do not think this is a coincidence. Well... unfortunately for you clowns, I just went for a nice long drive which managed to reset the sensors, so my car's CEL is now off. I know you won't believe me, but somehow my car engine's cylinder 1 sensors are controlling the stock market. I'm sorry, but that's just the facts. The engine is in a better mood now, and so this week will be neon green.