New CFO is SC evil clone!!!!!!


Say it aint so. Mushmouth Mila is the CFO! She so incompetent. We dont understand a word she say. In our meetings her numbers are all wrong and completely off. She can never get it right the first time and put the blame on us!!! Is Ken NOT paying attention!!! Give me a grande size popcorn with extra butter. This is going to be a sh*t show!!!! LMAO!!!!!!

Very sad I agree. Unhappy people just waiting for severance. Couldn’t imagine being at DSI longer than a year or two. A lot of great jobs out there with companies that appreciate their people and not work in a paranoia state of mind. A lot of fake call entries and brown nosing. I know because I just left. The job market is great with so many new launches and expansions. Get out before you’re kicked out with the next layoff. They will keep the morons that have large severance packages and layoff those who have less time invested. That’s a no brainer.

youre all crazy, why would any talented person stay? no drug approvals in more than a decade, RD has zero accountability, Japan could care less about commercial and if you have any talent st all you’d leave, if you’re staying you’re waiting for severance or too lousy to find a job. No company is looking for reps with pain experience and there is not tons of expansion it’s just the opposite the whole industry is changing

staff here are oblivious every single leader is gone the CFO took a job with a non profit and probably huge pay cut so t you think she would know our numbers pretty well? Knows there is no future here

Somewhere theres a village missing its idiot but Mila has been located!!! LOL!!!! What coincidence how the gears are starting to mesh for her. She has handful crooked circle of friends meeting with execs Ken Glenn and Japan persuading them of her flawless facade so she can do CFO job. Mila has her ducks lined up in a row until her fuhrer SC leaves. Her work will get the company audited and fined!!! Tutti sanno che sei falso e disgenuino!!!

Somewhere theres a village missing its idiot but Mila has been located!!! LOL!!!! What coincidence how the gears are starting to mesh for her. She has handful crooked circle of friends meeting with execs Ken Glenn and Japan persuading them of her flawless facade so she can do CFO job. Mila has her ducks lined up in a row until her fuhrer SC leaves. Her work will get the company audited and fined!!! Tutti sanno che sei falso e disgenuino!!!

And outside of attacking people, anonymously, you’ve accomplished exactly what? Some low level grunt that didn’t get the review they wanted? Not enough pats on the back? If you have a problem here’s a crazy idea go talk to them

so on LinkedIn people are actually congratulating SC. Are you kidding? She was a complete failure. Along with all the VPs they ousted like lisickyyyy and Steve S. They did nothing and left no mark. Well lisickttyyy did.