New CEO Michael S. Anderson is a flat out LIAR!!!!!


This geriatric piece of crap of a CEO sat their on the national teleconference last week and said he had no plans to get rid of the FSC Pediatric sales force. Oh yeah old fart Mike? Why did a bunch of reps get fired this past Monday? You can't trust one word that comes out of his fat mouth. He's going to gut this company and make a personal fortune.

Enjoy that 20 million Peter. I bet you have no problem sleeping at night after you just sold your baby off to an elderly idiot. So many lives destroyed in a matter of months. Corporate staff that stood by your side from the very beginning of the organization are now scrambling to find jobs. I know you could give a rat's @ss about the millennials and washed up reps you hired at slave wages to peddle junk meds with horrible insurance coverage.

This company should be shut down its so dysfunctional, unethical and corrupt. Any experienced rep with half a brain now knows to stay away from this slave camp organization. I just hope the younger reps, like myself, spread the word that this company is a toxic waste dump site.

Time to abandon ship folks. This new CEO is an old fossil Pharma rep who is going to drive FSC into the ground. The FSC management team won't do anything because they are just trying to save their own butts.

Time to abandon ship folks. This new CEO is an old fossil Pharma rep who is going to drive FSC into the ground. The FSC management team won't do anything because they are just trying to save their own butts.

I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to work for this abysmal company. The good news is I know I will find a better company than this publicly traded heap of failure.

I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to work for this abysmal company. The good news is I know I will find a better company than this publicly traded heap of failure.

I have no confidence in this prick of a CEO and I hear he is an old school Pharma guy whose philosophy is "my way or the highway". I am getting out ASAP and warning any other poor saps that think this company is good to stay away.

This quote came from Flamel's 2nd Qtr Earnings Report this past Monday:

"Sales for the FSC product line were below the Company's expectations for the second quarter 2016 as the Company continues to work on improving product distribution, increasing third party payer access, and refining territories to maximize representative effectiveness. The Company expects to continue making progress throughout the remainder of the year in this business segment. It recently closed the Charlotte office facility and has strengthened the sales management team."

This means you better sell more even though reimbursement sucks or else you are going to get fired. Management will also give you more customers to call on and if you fail, you will be replaced quickly. If Flamel continues to see poor sales performance in major markets, they will get rid of the reps and pull out of those markets. Haven't you noticed Flamel isn't replacing reps in California, Indiana and Illinois right now. Good luck everyone. This company will continue to get worse now that we are publicly traded and have greedy shareholders to please.

This geriatric piece of crap of a CEO sat their on the national teleconference last week and said he had no plans to get rid of the FSC Pediatric sales force. Oh yeah old fart Mike? Why did a bunch of reps get fired this past Monday? You can't trust one word that comes out of his fat mouth. He's going to gut this company and make a personal fortune.

Enjoy that 20 million Peter. I bet you have no problem sleeping at night after you just sold your baby off to an elderly idiot. So many lives destroyed in a matter of months. Corporate staff that stood by your side from the very beginning of the organization are now scrambling to find jobs. I know you could give a rat's @ss about the millennials and washed up reps you hired at slave wages to peddle junk meds with horrible insurance coverage.

This company should be shut down its so dysfunctional, unethical and corrupt. Any experienced rep with half a brain now knows to stay away from this slave camp organization. I just hope the younger reps, like myself, spread the word that this company is a toxic waste dump site.

I was on that teleconference where that hypocritical @$$hole, Michael Anderson, said he had no plans to get rid of the FSC Pediatrics sales force. Well, here we are 6 months later and about 10% of the salesforce has been let go and the national sales director is gone. Whatever this prick says moving forward just assume the opposite.

It's pretty hard to sell products that can only be used after they fail on other products first. Get rid of these current fossil products and bring in some newer products with some favorable insurance coverage. Hell, even look into a flu vaccine or something.

It's pretty hard to sell products that can only be used after they fail on other products first. Get rid of these current fossil products and bring in some newer products with some favorable insurance coverage. Hell, even look into a flu vaccine or something.

Get rid of this fossil CEO. He's so old and useless that he's just going to fade away in his office chair like Yoda. The difference is the character, Yoda is wise and this guy is an idiot or senile.

I was on that teleconference where that hypocritical @$$hole, Michael Anderson, said he had no plans to get rid of the FSC Pediatrics sales force. Well, here we are 6 months later and about 10% of the salesforce has been let go and the national sales director is gone. Whatever this prick says moving forward just assume the opposite.

Don't forget about the people that left once they experienced changes for the worst in reimbursement for the trio of crap products. This place is becoming a ghost town run by evil clowns. Happy Halloween.

Hey Grandpa Mike "A$$hole" Anderson!!!! Can you please stop pretending this company is a legitimate pharmaceutical company? Let's just call it what it is. This is a sweatshop that cons suckers into using overpriced ancient and almost expired elixirs so that greedy investors can make a quick buck. Your slave labor is escaping on a weekly basis because the conditions and CONsumer products (spelled correctly with the emphasis on "CON") are so deplorable. You need to retire to Shady Acres nursing home because you are too old, too incompetent and probably too incontinent to lead.

Hey Grandpa Mike "A$$hole" Anderson!!!! Can you please stop pretending this company is a legitimate pharmaceutical company? Let's just call it what it is. This is a sweatshop that cons suckers into using overpriced ancient and almost expired elixirs so that greedy investors can make a quick buck. Your slave labor is escaping on a weekly basis because the conditions and CONsumer products (spelled correctly with the emphasis on "CON") are so deplorable. You need to retire to Shady Acres nursing home because you are too old, too incompetent and probably too incontinent to lead.

Anderson is out touch with sales. He will probably leave in a year or so with a golden parachute. Buying FSC Pediatrics was just a quick cash grab for Flamel V exploit. They could care less about the quickly diminishing salesforce. There's no loyalty here. If you haven't found new job yet you better soon. The managers will keep firing folks if they aren't making their objective to save their own hides.

Hey Grandpa Mike "A$$hole" Anderson!!!! Can you please stop pretending this company is a legitimate pharmaceutical company? Let's just call it what it is. This is a sweatshop that cons suckers into using overpriced ancient and almost expired elixirs so that greedy investors can make a quick buck. Your slave labor is escaping on a weekly basis because the conditions and CONsumer products (spelled correctly with the emphasis on "CON") are so deplorable. You need to retire to Shady Acres nursing home because you are too old, too incompetent and probably too incontinent to lead.

Mike, the CEO of Senility, I hope you are forced to leave the scene in 2017.

He belongs in Shady Acres Retirement home where he can pretend to run an imaginary pharmaceutical company. It's no different than what he is doing now.

To top it off, this company keeps changing names and domicile to avoid taxes. Then he hires his buddy Greg Division to be CCO when his only claim to fame is the Makena debacle at KV (another shady outfit). Hard to take this place or it's leadership seriously. Looks like an investor and executive money grab more than a legit business.

To top it off, this company keeps changing names and domicile to avoid taxes. Then he hires his buddy Greg Division to be CCO when his only claim to fame is the Makena debacle at KV (another shady outfit). Hard to take this place or it's leadership seriously. Looks like an investor and executive money grab more than a legit business.

This company is probably just a front to clean illegal money from corrupt investors.