New car, Vegas, and French lessons!


I just love working here!! I just ordered my new car and I will be off to Vegas for a fun business meeting! I do what I can to drive business in sales but access is tough and and dropping off stuff all day is mundane and brain numbing. So I decided to get some Rosetta Stone French lessons whilst in the car driving all day! It literally has changed my whole attitude!! Now I return home without exhaustion and and stimulated my brain!! It is rather fantastic if you can just find something else to stimulate your brain during those awful no see calls after driving 3 hours! We complain about how mundane our jobs are but it is literally the easiest job in the world and for little effort we are totally and completely and unjustifiably way overpaid!! It is a true social injustice and I am often embarrassed watching the folks at Dunkin Donuts work harder than me while I take home and a six figure salary and drive to parking lots all day!! Be grateful!! Thank everyone!! Be happy and pay it forward!! Merci Beaucoup!!


Great idea! I want to learn Italian, that will help me get through the 6 hours of driving in overlap territory to see 2 people. Ciao!

i can't see why people complain. My manager is a complete twit. I either have her completely fooled or she just doesn't care that I never work more than 3 hours per day which includes days with her because she usually leaves for teleconference right after lunch. I take food home two or three days per week and drive the company car for over 750 personal miles per month and never pay for extra miles. I can't believe how much I am paid and then they want to throw in a bonus and COE trip. Shit, it can't get better than this.

Listen the goal is not to work. If you don't want to work then this does not apply to you. This thread is for those who are grateful for this gig and are trying to move business but are stuck in a mindless job that often requires long drives with no contact. If there is something else to do to challenge your brain perhaps you won't feel the feeling of just wasting your time everyday. So do something else to gratify your brain!

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