New BBB Rating

Hey everyone who could not make it to our Reunion:
The babes began arriving this morning and several have already checked into the hotel! We are expecting about 25 CBR Baby's, and several parents! If this holds true we will exceed last year's Reunion!
The activities will begin tonight. But some baby's are at poolside, while others are napping. ( Wow, CBR Baby# 10 has a fantastic tan)! We're certainly looking forward to the scheduled events!

CBR Baby# 12

Wow, what a fantastic Reunion. All the baby's had a great time!
Congratulations to baby #20, for winning the Pampers Cruisers, compliments of CBR, and to baby# 11 for winning the dance contest with her partner# 17! Thanks CBR, you're great!
The Seminars on Talcum Powder was full, and so was the Seminar on diapers. (CBR Baby# 13, you are our own Diaper Dandy)!
And finally congrats to CBR Baby# 6 for being elected as our new Event Coordinator for the next twelve months! For those who have not yet met CBR Baby# 6, let me assure you she is bright, articulate, friendly to all, and a big supporter of mobiles and vasoline! You will all lover her!
Thank you again for your kind support of me during my tenure as your Event Coordinator!

CBR Baby# 12