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Neuroscience Rankings


The numbers are fixed by upper management. The number one ranked territory this year was able to get his number 1 doctor removed from his numbers. This was removed from the numbers once the doctor started to switch all his patients to Aubagio.

Jim G and Jim R. be honest with the rest of the reps and let us take out a doctor so our numbers can get better over night. This isn't fair to the other reps.

I hope the reps enjoy being at the top now that the secret is out!!!!!


The numbers are fixed by upper management. The number one ranked territory this year was able to get his number 1 doctor removed from his numbers. This was removed from the numbers once the doctor started to switch all his patients to Aubagio.

Jim G and Jim R. be honest with the rest of the reps and let us take out a doctor so our numbers can get better over night. This isn't fair to the other reps.

I hope the reps enjoy being at the top now that the secret is out!!!!!

If a rep is at the top of the rankings, do you think they are worried about the other reps whining about it? HELL NO!!!
They may be working the system but if they are and you know how they did it then you should be doing the same damn thing if it actually works instead of being in the middle or bottom and bitching about it. Nobody wants to hear the complaints about the winners from the losers, especially management.
By the way, good luck asking a pharma exec to be honest or ethical. What world do you think you are living in? Shifty fuckers.

The numbers are fixed by upper management. The number one ranked territory this year was able to get his number 1 doctor removed from his numbers. This was removed from the numbers once the doctor started to switch all his patients to Aubagio.

Jim G and Jim R. be honest with the rest of the reps and let us take out a doctor so our numbers can get better over night. This isn't fair to the other reps.

I hope the reps enjoy being at the top now that the secret is out!!!!!

Doesn't anyone have integrity anymore?

Doesn't anyone have integrity anymore?

To answer your question...no. Integrity is just a buzz word that people use when they want you to be honest with them. Not the thing that they have when the shit hits the fan and they need to cover their own ass. To put it simply, this industry is every man/woman for themselves and people will sell you out faster than you can imagine if it gets them ahead or makes them look good. When have you ever seen a manager fall on the sword when their team doesn't perform? When have you seen them go to their boss and say the truth about what is going on in the field. It is all a huge farce and a gaggle of people just bullshitting each other with fake calls, fake loyalty, fake ethics, and just about everything else that is fake too. We are all just here to keep our jobs and get paid and really don't give a shit about anything else anymore.
No such thing as company loyalty, integrity, ethics, accountability, team spirit, having each others backs, etc.. Those are all things that management talks about when things are good and they want to make you perform and feel good about the company. However, as we have all seen, if the company can make one more dollar by firing you than keeping you on, it isn't even a decision they would need to think about. That is the truth.
Sucks but that is how things are now.

To answer your question...no. Integrity is just a buzz word that people use when they want you to be honest with them. Not the thing that they have when the shit hits the fan and they need to cover their own ass. To put it simply, this industry is every man/woman for themselves and people will sell you out faster than you can imagine if it gets them ahead or makes them look good. When have you ever seen a manager fall on the sword when their team doesn't perform? When have you seen them go to their boss and say the truth about what is going on in the field. It is all a huge farce and a gaggle of people just bullshitting each other with fake calls, fake loyalty, fake ethics, and just about everything else that is fake too. We are all just here to keep our jobs and get paid and really don't give a shit about anything else anymore.
No such thing as company loyalty, integrity, ethics, accountability, team spirit, having each others backs, etc.. Those are all things that management talks about when things are good and they want to make you perform and feel good about the company. However, as we have all seen, if the company can make one more dollar by firing you than keeping you on, it isn't even a decision they would need to think about. That is the truth.
Sucks but that is how things are now.

Dont lose any sleep over this because TN will not exist this way much longer

The numbers are fixed by upper management. The number one ranked territory this year was able to get his number 1 doctor removed from his numbers. This was removed from the numbers once the doctor started to switch all his patients to Aubagio.

Jim G and Jim R. be honest with the rest of the reps and let us take out a doctor so our numbers can get better over night. This isn't fair to the other reps.

I hope the reps enjoy being at the top now that the secret is out!!!!!

I have a doctor I would like to have taken out of my numbers. This is a bunch of BS...

The numbers are fixed by upper management. The number one ranked territory this year was able to get his number 1 doctor removed from his numbers. This was removed from the numbers once the doctor started to switch all his patients to Aubagio.

Jim G and Jim R. be honest with the rest of the reps and let us take out a doctor so our numbers can get better over night. This isn't fair to the other reps.

I hope the reps enjoy being at the top now that the secret is out!!!!!

If this happened out west, then it is old news. The removal
Happened a while back. Agree that it is not fair.

The numbers are fixed by upper management. The number one ranked territory this year was able to get his number 1 doctor removed from his numbers. This was removed from the numbers once the doctor started to switch all his patients to Aubagio.

Jim G and Jim R. be honest with the rest of the reps and let us take out a doctor so our numbers can get better over night. This isn't fair to the other reps.

I hope the reps enjoy being at the top now that the secret is out!!!!!

Don't hate....IMITATE! In an unethical world, the ethical man will starve.

The numbers are fixed by upper management. The number one ranked territory this year was able to get his number 1 doctor removed from his numbers. This was removed from the numbers once the doctor started to switch all his patients to Aubagio.

Jim G and Jim R. be honest with the rest of the reps and let us take out a doctor so our numbers can get better over night. This isn't fair to the other reps.

I hope the reps enjoy being at the top now that the secret is out!!!!!

I'm sure there is more to the story than what is posted here. No way would a large corporation allow a rep to remove a doc simply because market share was being lost.