Does the word 'Ethical' mean anything to you? In the mid 90's the buzz was vitamin E to treat CVD. In 2000 it was Foltx for Homocystiene the B vitamins, yet nothing was proven. Now its Diabetic Nephropathy unproven. When does the FDA shut PAL down? Science and medicine should not be about assumptions!
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Well, I for one, would just like to say thank you with all my heart to whichever Pamlab rep told my doctor about Metanx. Before I started Metanx I took everything under the sun. I blew $1000's, and not only did I not feel better, I was either sick, tired, or numb. I hadn't slept through the night in 10 years and came close to amputation twice. Once, I stepped on something in a lake and swam and walked around for nearly two hours with two toes literally hanging from my foot by a strand of skin, and didn't even know until a woman fainted when I was climbing on the boat dock. I didn't even know it had happened. Doctor said I was lucky they didn't have to amputate.
So quit talking about ethics. Is it ethical to keep giving patients $100 medicines so big wealthy pharmacy companies get rich on drugs that have more side effects than efficacy. Finally, I found something that works. I haven't felt this good in years, and I have been able to go back to work for the first time in five years. I don't know who approves Metanx, but I know it works. And I believe it would be unethical to deny me something that has changed my life drastically for the better instead of force me to keep taking drugs that aren't working and just might be killing me. I don't know what I would have done if I my doctor hadn't given Metanx a try on me. I was close to the end, and I mean it. I was no use to anyone, certainly not my family. If anything, I was a burden. I couldn't do anything, and you try looking into your childs face as your wife struggles to make ends meet cause you can't find a freaking drug that doesn't make you feel worse than taking nothing, and does even less good. Ethics...what a freaking joke. All I can say, is thank God for Metanx. My feet feel close to normal for the first time in a decade, and I can actually get a good night's sleep again. And I don't have to feel doped up. Metanx saved my life, probably my marriage, and now, when I come home from work, I can sit at the table and look across at my family with pride instead of shame. So save your ethics speech for your lawyers and big pharmacy buddies. It would be just like some white collar wealthy snake to go after a product like Metanx that really works, so guys like me can waste away blowing money on "real" drugs that don't work. Here's your expensive piece of shit Mr. Blue Collar, don't worry about the taste or smell because we are a big time pharmacy company and have lots of money to make worthless shit taste and smell great. And you will be happy to know, that unlike vitamins that might work great like Metanx, our product, though worthless and sure to drain your pockets while compeletely making you feel like shit, is properly wrapped in all the appropriate legal tappings, paid for courtesy of large sums of big pharmacy money given to all the right people. And by the way, it may not make you feel as good as Metanx, but our piece of shit comes with a great big pharmacy name on the package. And did I mention that your piece of shit will be wrapped with a pink bow so large, only the cost of our medication can dwarf it.
No thanks, I'll take Metanx.