What a miserable job and a seriously shitty company. Been here for 3 years and amazed at the weakness and arrogance of our “Senior leadership team”. They are a freakin joke. TMs and CSs work their asses off, attempting to fight a good fight, strategy is to sell futures, a strategy that was only there to keep reps from leaving the company. We get no appreciation from the top. When product launches were delayed or didn’t happen, we looked like used car salesmen. When things possibly do turn around, and I doubt they ever will, our accounts have already lost respect for us, just as we have with our own company. Transparency was promised, but it’s like Obama is running the show in Austin/Plano, he don’t give a shit about the people doing the work, they are just looking out for themselves and stabbing people in the back, making their lives miserable. How about adding Neurotherm to the bag? Did anyone do their due diligence? These products suck and I spend my days calling in complaints for probes and generator issues. And really, do you think I have time to deal with all this crap when I have SCS cases to do, and reprogrammings for crazy pain patients? Now you want to decrease my commissions and make me work even harder to make average income for a device rep? This division is a joke, our management team is putrid, and unless you are one of the top few reps, you are treated with little respect. Best to find a job elsewhere, just as I am planning.