can anyone shed some light on why territory is open...sales, Mgr,, etc?
Also- after reading many posts on this site, is Quest that bad?
Also- after reading many posts on this site, is Quest that bad?
can anyone shed some light on why territory is open...sales, Mgr,, etc?
Also- after reading many posts on this site, is Quest that bad?
can anyone shed some light on why territory is open...sales, Mgr,, etc?
Also- after reading many posts on this site, is Quest that bad?
This sight is for disgruntled employees. Those who are successful and making quota are not reading this crap. I know, work for their competitor and under performing. So I read this stuff. I doubt the previous poster (probably both posts) had ever been a part of the Athena team. Ask if you can speak with another Athena rep when you interview with them. Quest has their issues, but not half as bad as Labcorp. I would interview for it, but I'm not in that geography.