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Network Printer Hard Drives


Does network printer come with hard drive? If so, can any information be tracked to such devices, for example, meeting agendas; Serionr managers and executive vp memos, etc...FBI are you listening?


Indeed they do; it's all outsourced to Xerox, who over the network monitors # pages printed for billing/invoice purposes. So one would imagine these printers do have resident hard drives. FBI could just subpoena xerox to do this--lil'lie would not even know given the turmoil and cutting and FIPNettage.

Indeed they do; it's all outsourced to Xerox, who over the network monitors # pages printed for billing/invoice purposes. So one would imagine these printers do have resident hard drives. FBI could just subpoena xerox to do this--lil'lie would not even know given the turmoil and cutting and FIPNettage.

I heart fipnet

Keeps them honest.

Indeed they do; it's all outsourced to Xerox, who over the network monitors # pages printed for billing/invoice purposes. So one would imagine these printers do have resident hard drives. FBI could just subpoena xerox to do this--lil'lie would not even know given the turmoil and cutting and FIPNettage.

I do not know if the hard drives can be remotely probed from Xungguangzhu? I mean via IP or VPN, since it is only way AP region communicates to NA or Eu or SA or ANT or ARC. YOu see the karma in that? foolishness abound or just methink. So these drives are like the movie "I know what you did last saturday night"

I do not know if the hard drives can be remotely probed from Xungguangzhu? I mean via IP or VPN, since it is only way AP region communicates to NA or Eu or SA or ANT or ARC. YOu see the karma in that? foolishness abound or just methink. So these drives are like the movie "I know what you did last saturday night"

not surprising since ROC even beats out the russkis in cyberwarfare. Just take a look @wikileaks, hey they have nothing to hide after all :)