
With the new teams set to be initiated, any thoughts on size of territories? Thankful that- for once -leadership has enough sense to hire from within vs outsourcing -duh.
With that said, the competition will be fierce, politics will come out a blazing, all management will be talking amongst themselves, the rampant rumor mills of who is interviewing. Most positions in theory and opinion may be filled prior to interviews. Hope not, but very possible.
So in one way it's great and commendable to be hiring from within, but the back stabbing will begin and many nails in the coffin career wise of those who interview and fail to get the job.

With the new teams set to be initiated, any thoughts on size of territories? Thankful that- for once -leadership has enough sense to hire from within vs outsourcing -duh.
With that said, the competition will be fierce, politics will come out a blazing, all management will be talking amongst themselves, the rampant rumor mills of who is interviewing. Most positions in theory and opinion may be filled prior to interviews. Hope not, but very possible.
So in one way it's great and commendable to be hiring from within, but the back stabbing will begin and many nails in the coffin career wise of those who interview and fail to get the job.

I am also very happy to see AZ fill positions with internal employees it’s about time! But your right about the political shenanigans that will ensue. The culture at this company when it comes to promotions is the worst I’ve ever seen. I’ve been told before that I didn’t contact enough DSM’s when an opportunity was announced that I wanted to pursue! Another example is a rep in my region who was nominated for LEAP when he’s only been a rep for two years! Hasn’t put in any time as a rep and is already being fast tracked because he plays the who do you know game. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely the culture will ever change. That’s the problem with upper management they are in a position for a short time and move on to the next opportunity and never master any role.

Should be some good opportunities for these positions. Downside would be huge territories. Probable overnights, but that works for some. Not ideal for those with small children.

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