nervous about Purdue offer


Anyone reading the Purdue board and all the comments about the hostile work environment, micro management hell, and general distrust between managers and reps? We were told during interviews this was an expansion, but it looks as if we are replacing 80ish reps, and even management--all secretly. And the vice president is reportedly a nightmare. This is odd, we don't even know who our manager is! I'm concerned. Does anyone know of current reps who are happy there??

C'mon...You knew most of what was happening. We all signed the confidentiality agreement knowing there would be a " restructuring". The more concerning matter is your point about the culture. I had know idea how hostile of a place we were signing up for prior to this week. Sounds like even before these cuts it was a place to run from. A job is a job and I guess I am happy that I've got it...but I'm so tired of always feeling like I need to be looking for the next opportunity...This time even before I start! Sounds like we are in for a rough ride.

Listen pdi hires, we have nothing against you. Sure you are looking for security and a good opportunity. I vow to treat you with respect and help you if I am retained. Be sure you are desperate b4 you come here. These openings will be the toughest territories in the company with fundamental issues you cannot solve. It's like walking over quicksand to get to a mirage. All due respect to you enter at your own risk, this won't be easy and NO security here. You've never seen the type of scrutiny and ways they can track you. It's a full time job checking meaningless boxes and you'll get no respect. Please consider carefully and good luck.

The culture has taken a severe downturn in the past year and a half to two years with the new upper management in place. Incompetence is probably the best word for it.
The current sales force was told there would be an expansion and that they were safe.....obviously an outright lie. A number of outstanding reps were let go that a lot of people are still trying to figure out why. Severance packages were sub-standard for the industry (2 weeks per year of service, insurance to the end of August, hold onto company car for one to two weeks).
PDI reps are being hired on at a higher salary than many existing reps. Those reps are told their salary will be increased, but not until April 2016. Some will be hostile to new reps, some will not be. Certainly do not expect existing reps to go out of their way to help and mentor you though.
No doubt this is going to be a tough transition with morale in the gutter.

While I am out of work and really needed the job, after learning more, I am so glad I did not get picked. These position sound like nightmares: 1) people hired secretly and company shit canning everyone else, 2) horrible culture of idiot micromanagement, 3) impossible goals and tracking, 4) sounds to me based one expectation that these are all 12 hour day jobs, 5) ride alongs every two weeks and regional ride days! OMG! I am sure there are tracking a business plans, reporting up the ass and so much B.S. that reps are going to choke. A good company does not treat their people this way.