Negativity rampid coast to coast at NOVARTIS!


So Novartis, what are you gonna due? Your self centered focus on top down management of Bul#%!&@$ has created a negative blurrr throughout the organization and will take years to undo. All the advancements from senior leaders, fly by night career moves, outside talentless moves from other companies drop outs, and much much more has slowly eroded our bottom line.

Face the facts, the continued balls being dropped by Novartis research, senior project leadership, marketing, training, scientists, operations and clinical, & legal as we look at all the pulled, failed, and lawsuits to date. I would post them all but don't have the available space to provide them here.

Internal accountability is needed as there seems to be none.

I was joining Novartis long ago for a career and now find myself holding on daily to all the confusing bull crap! Senior leadership does not care, managers do not care, and we don't care... On and on we go to the end and we will all lose because of this mess created.

I do all I can each day to stay focused, do my job, and try making a difference but its tough. Thanks for ???? What ?? a Job, yah Thanks for a job because that is all this place has become, "A JOB" nothing more!

I assume you mean "rampant". I've yet to see the word "rampid" used in any English dictionary. If this is an example of the caliber of a Novartis field force employee than the company is indeed in negative territory.

I assume you mean "rampant". I've yet to see the word "rampid" used in any English dictionary. If this is an example of the caliber of a Novartis field force employee than the company is indeed in negative territory.

Speaks well for the HIRING MANAGEMENT that can't get passed cleavage, cronyism or the good ole boy network when making their hiring decisions .

I assume you mean "rampant". I've yet to see the word "rampid" used in any English dictionary. If this is an example of the caliber of a Novartis field force employee than the company is indeed in negative territory.

Hey Internal desk ASswipe, we are not allowed by Novartis Legal to use the word "Rampant" as you say it, in the field for legal lawsuit reasons stipulated by FDA. We also can't use the word effective, on formulary, works, benefit, without fare balance.

If we had all the sitting time to spell check all postings like U then maybe, just maybe we would have cared. Fare balance or maybe you prefer "fair balanse" either way you try selling he crap you get approved and see what true results look like.

Your truly Elidel, Zelnorn, Lescol specialist!

Can't wait to launch another one of your flops busters or as you call it "block buster"!

To the spell checker in East Hanover...I hope your office burns down. The Original statement here is absolutely correct. This is a caustic work environment thanks to the incompetence in New Jersey. Top Management takes care of it's own. They do not value the sales forces. They believe everything in Marketing drives sales. What a joke! Narcissistic assholes!

Hey Sparky,

I'm not an EH desk jockey. I am a stock holder of NVS. That is it. I come on here to see rumors about the company on whether to buy or sell the stock.

Based upon the comments I've seen so far I'm leaning toward dumping the stock. Ignorant reps lead to lower sales and a lower share price of NVS.

No- diversity is perversity.

This probably the same person who erroneously refers to Swiss leadership as "nazis." I agree with the person identifying him/herself as an investor in Novartis. People like this and the many here that cannot use the English language are ignorant. Even worse, they are willfully ignorant defending their lack of learning as though it were a virtue.

Hey Sparky,

"I'm not an EH desk jockey. I am a stock holder of NVS. That is it. I come on here to see rumors about the company on whether to buy or sell the stock."

Based upon the comments I've seen so far I'm leaning toward dumping the stock. Ignorant reps lead to lower sales and a lower share price of NVS.

Your definitely not as stupid as those internal Novartis employees are agreed. Your well above them, especially as one who buys Novartis stock willingly, very dumb. Over 10 years since stock public offering and still where it began. Your much smarter than the grammar checker you portrayed! Sell your two shares r*****!

Hey Junior,

Who said I bought NVS? I bought Sandoz long ago and am trying to cash out at the top of the market. With Diovan going generic and with reps who don't know that "your" is not the same as "you are" promoting NVS products.....well Sparky, you get the picture. Looks like a good time to sell.

It is an ignorant rep like you who will be mowing my lawn very soon. The world needs lawn workers too.

Your definitely not as stupid as those internal Novartis employees are agreed. Your well above them, especially as one who buys Novartis stock willingly, very dumb. Over 10 years since stock public offering and still where it began. Your much smarter than the grammar checker you portrayed! Sell your two shares r*****!

Before calling someone a r***** go back and review the use of your and you're.