Need Your Advice


Received 3 e-mails in the same day that one of my targets needs samples. I called on this office in September, left samples, etc. The doctor never prescribes our products and does not see reps.

The secretary called the company 3 times and demanded samples. I followed up the next day, (last week), sampled the doc. with total office call.... Today I got another e-mail stating that this secretary complaining again that I've never been to the office, never sampled and requested complain to be send to my manager - all false accusations.

I send my manager an e-mail with calls/samples numbers, date, time, office address and the office phone #.

Should I complain the office manager about this?

What rights do reps have against office staff that harassing representatives, complaining with false statements to the company without any reason?


Hmm? When I worked at AZ and sold Nexium, I went to an office where a counterpart had ordered purple wonder pill capsules just a few days before.

It was like a freaking zoo..when the UPS guy came they tore into the boxes and tossed each other a box or 2 of sampless...only 1 or 2 was left for the damn patients!

I highly suspect the office staff and/or Drs are gobbling up your samples for personal use.

To me, this is a no-brainer: They don't Rx, you only get "x" allotment monthly..WHY sample there AT ALL?

You already spoke to DM, good! I would speak w/Office Manager there. The MA's have crappy health plans or NO health plans b/c of cheap Drs, but that is NOT your problem.

Ask your DM to have this office flagged by whoever takes the request for samples calls, so they can be told "Sorry, there is a production sample shortage" or some other BS

Same situation with Nexium in an office that didn't Rx PPI's.

Office said they never got samples.

Mr. FEDEX had the signature and time/date recorded.

Office quit complaining when they knew they were wrong.

Never sampled office again.

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