Need to chat live. . .

Well GG I'm a little upset with our Judeo republican friends. They R trying to cut Planned Parenthood funding. These Judeo republicans R so misinformed. They think the main job of P/P is to do abortions. Actually their main job is to pass out Birth control to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

If the Judeo republicans R successful they will actually increase abortions.

U can sign this if U would like. parenthood&__utmv=-&__utmk=78175508

Nice try Jimmy.

Great chat GG, next time call me, Wonka & Scarlett ahead of time. I'll even see if I can get Libs and SOM to join us, we'll start our own Club Hedo... :cool:
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Well GG I'm a little upset with our Judeo republican friends. They R trying to cut Planned Parenthood funding. These Judeo republicans R so misinformed. They think the main job of P/P is to do abortions. Actually their main job is to pass out Birth control to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

If the Judeo republicans R successful they will actually increase abortions.

U can sign this if U would like. parenthood&__utmv=-&__utmk=78175508

Not totally against abortion, but I AM against tax money paying for them.

Fun chat!! Agree, we all need to be on Chat and laugh it up next time. I think Vag spilled his wine again during some of the discussions.

Oh Libs...nothing perverted...just 'raw' baby... lol

Fun chat!! Agree, we all need to be on Chat and laugh it up next time. I think Vag spilled his wine again during some of the discussions.

Oh Libs...nothing perverted...just 'raw' baby... lol

If there are any coming up, let me know. I can never get into the chats when they are held for some reason.

Thanks, everyone for coming in so quickly. I had a lot of fun last night and got a lot of good feedback. LIBS, send me a PM with your phone number and we can talk live during the day sometime. No need to fear me. I have contact with many RPs like Vag, Feebs, Leo, Hoops, Fish, Wonka, OB, and a few from chat like Razr, Som, Kap, Vinny. I will die one day with a phone in my hand or something else. . . GG

Fun chat!! Agree, we all need to be on Chat and laugh it up next time. I think Vag spilled his wine again during some of the discussions.

Oh Libs...nothing perverted...just 'raw' baby... lol

Yes, I kept reaching for my glass but something kept getting in the way...

That was a hoot...........

Fun chat!! Agree, we all need to be on Chat and laugh it up next time. I think Vag spilled his wine again during some of the discussions.

Oh Libs...nothing perverted...just 'raw' baby... lol

Seems like I missed a great chat 'session'.

Someone drop me a line before the next one . . .

I saw the invite on thread that GG posted....

GG: post a night earlier so we all get on.

We can try that but if the riff-raff shows up, we'll have to do a phone call thing. After all, J ruined a lot of chat sessions.

Flag Avatar Guy - The person who comes to a party and everyone says "who the fuck brought that moron?"

BTW, the acronym for Flag Avatar Guy is very fitting for him.


Flag Avatar Guy - The person who comes to a party and everyone says "who the fuck brought that moron?"

BTW, the acronym for Flag Avatar Guy is very fitting for him.


Awww puddin, I think it is pretty clear I don't want to be at any party you would attend.

It is equally clear they didn't want you there.

So you are calling me a cigarette? If not why would you use derogatory terms for homosexuals? Seems pretty intolerant to me

Dude - it's an OPEN chat room with several private rooms. Anyone can come in. I would love to chat with BN live. I would even tolerate your old smelly ass.

It's Sunday night folks. . . be in there tonight. 10 pm ET, 9 pm CT, 8 pm PT. We can all tell each other our war stories. GG

Dude - it's an OPEN chat room with several private rooms. Anyone can come in. I would love to chat with BN live. I would even tolerate your old smelly ass.

It's Sunday night folks. . . be in there tonight. 10 pm ET, 9 pm CT, 8 pm PT. We can all tell each other our war stories. GG

Poor Flag Avatar Guy has to come on each thread with his negative posts and wonders why we all consdier him a punchline.

Catch ya laters . . .