Need Some Advice


My company was just bought and we are loosing our jobs very soon. There is a hospital opening that I am interested in. Can someone please give me honest feedback on a few questions.
1. Salary range?
2. Bonus? (Realistic)
3. Benefits? 401K, health, dental,
4. Vacation?
I have read the posts on here and they are just like any other boards with all the negative posts but I am looking for some serious answers.

My company was just bought and we are loosing our jobs very soon. There is a hospital opening that I am interested in. Can someone please give me honest feedback on a few questions.
1. Salary range?
2. Bonus? (Realistic)
3. Benefits? 401K, health, dental,
4. Vacation?
I have read the posts on here and they are just like any other boards with all the negative posts but I am looking for some serious answers.

Hose me!

My company was just bought and we are loosing our jobs very soon. There is a hospital opening that I am interested in. Can someone please give me honest feedback on a few questions.
1. Salary range?
2. Bonus? (Realistic)
3. Benefits? 401K, health, dental,
4. Vacation?
I have read the posts on here and they are just like any other boards with all the negative posts but I am looking for some serious answers.

I hate to say this, but whoever someone is looking for a job, they always use a sob story to try and get answers.m if you need a job and don't have one, interview for it. You have no other choice. As a matter of fact, interview for every job opening you can and make that determination. There is nothing no one can tell you if you are out of a job. Take what you can get. I mean you seriously are asking about vacation and you are out of a job? Get real. No one is going to share this kind of information as you need to work for it yourself.

My company was just bought and we are loosing our jobs very soon. There is a hospital opening that I am interested in. Can someone please give me honest feedback on a few questions.
1. Salary range?
2. Bonus? (Realistic)
3. Benefits? 401K, health, dental,
4. Vacation?
I have read the posts on here and they are just like any other boards with all the negative posts but I am looking for some serious answers.
Ask the hiring manager , you loser!

My company was just bought and we are loosing our jobs very soon. There is a hospital opening that I am interested in. Can someone please give me honest feedback on a few questions.
1. Salary range?
2. Bonus? (Realistic)
3. Benefits? 401K, health, dental,
4. Vacation?
I have read the posts on here and they are just like any other boards with all the negative posts but I am looking for some serious answers.

Just like every other Pharma comp with an open job - this place sucks!!!! Bahahaha

My company was just bought and we are loosing our jobs very soon. There is a hospital opening that I am interested in. Can someone please give me honest feedback on a few questions.
1. Salary range?
2. Bonus? (Realistic)
3. Benefits? 401K, health, dental,
4. Vacation?
I have read the posts on here and they are just like any other boards with all the negative posts but I am looking for some serious answers.

Go fuck yourself! how is that for a serious answer??

Ask the hiring manager , you loser!

My god, can you people have the decency or courtesy to help out another individual? Is it really that much of an imposition for you to give this person some helpful information? All I can say is, what goes around comes around! Good luck with your next job hunt.

Hey Neighbor anybody would help this person out if it was serious. A person needs a job you get whatever you can then move around. 401K, vacation? C'mon you serious??? Should be the least of your worries. Without having worked at all the companies you should know by now they all pay about the same depending on your experience and as for advantages and benefits they're all about the sane as well.

If you're taking a job depends on a few thousand or something ridiculous like having a GPS in the car then you need a wakeup call.