Need advice please...


First of all I am very sorry about the layoffs that happened in your company. I am in marketing at another company but thought I would come on this thread to see how the layoffs went as we are facing our own soon.

My question is did your version of TLLs and HQ marketing people get let go in this round of layoffs? If so how much of an impact? 50%? 10%?

Finally how big was the layoff at Biogen altogether? Thanks in advance!


First of all I am very sorry about the layoffs that happened in your company. I am in marketing at another company but thought I would come on this thread to see how the layoffs went as we are facing our own soon.

My question is did your version of TLLs and HQ marketing people get let go in this round of layoffs? If so how much of an impact? 50%? 10%?

Finally how big was the layoff at Biogen altogether? Thanks in advance!

Oh and I’m asking for a friend. Thanks