NE- RIFS and DTrain


Due to the high cost of the "battle" in the NE and the poor decision to buy Bendiner, BH is telling his staff there will be. Hiring freeze, and massive layoffs to offset the costs. This has always and will always be his MO. Keep hiring non performing sales people that makes sense. Bet JJ and the 100 positions she added wont be touched though

Due to the high cost of the "battle" in the NE and the poor decision to buy Bendiner, BH is telling his staff there will be. Hiring freeze, and massive layoffs to offset the costs. This has always and will always be his MO. Keep hiring non performing sales people that makes sense. Bet JJ and the 100 positions she added wont be touched though

Need some relief? Look through the NE Roster. You have plenty of people with cushy positions who work from home and bring no ROI to this company. Rarely do we see their faces. Been sitting at home doing nothing for years and years. You know who you are ...

JJ looking to screw over CE Has been making false reports to corporate to try any get him fired so she can be the queen bee. She also has been heard saying she is going after BH next and that those 2 idiots will never see her comming

The one and only decent person in management in the NE is CE - - unusual - yes - integrity, honesty, BH = sewage. He caused the whole union debacle in the NE - hundreds and hundreds of thousands in costs - why doesn't someone actually ask what all the lawyers, two consulting firms, hotels, rooms, etc. cost the company? 1 year of fighting it - yes you won - for now.... All because he wouldn't give a lousy little raise to the phlebs that bring in the patients. And he's still here - scary people, isn't it? A man who costs the company God knows what - disgraceful. He gets 6 figures - no worry to him. Heard the employees got his number now - they all talk about the guy who they didn't know - who promised them a lot - and didn't deliver. If he was a Sup - he would have been fires looong ago. But... they are the scapegoats.

The one and only decent person in management in the NE is CE - - unusual - yes - integrity, honesty, BH = sewage. He caused the whole union debacle in the NE - hundreds and hundreds of thousands in costs - why doesn't someone actually ask what all the lawyers, two consulting firms, hotels, rooms, etc. cost the company? 1 year of fighting it - yes you won - for now.... All because he wouldn't give a lousy little raise to the phlebs that bring in the patients. And he's still here - scary people, isn't it? A man who costs the company God knows what - disgraceful. He gets 6 figures - no worry to him. Heard the employees got his number now - they all talk about the guy who they didn't know - who promised them a lot - and didn't deliver. If he was a Sup - he would have been fires looong ago. But... they are the scapegoats.

Wrong again. Union is because of JJ. Lousy pay was going on before BH. He's fixing JJ mess. JJ needs to go.

Looks like more RIFs coming in the next couple of weeks for the NE division. Seems like the people responsible for estimating revenue bungled the new reimbursement rates by at least 30%. Be prepared, this one could really hurt.