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National Sales Meeting


Even though this company shows they are out of touch with reality by keeping kams on board, surely they will not have everyone travel to Orlando for the national meetings. Covid is running rampant in Florida and you are just begging for everyone to get sick. We could accomplish everything we need to virtually.

Even though this company shows they are out of touch with reality by keeping kams on board, surely they will not have everyone travel to Orlando for the national meetings. Covid is running rampant in Florida and you are just begging for everyone to get sick. We could accomplish everything we need to virtually.
Not if your vaccinated - Biden yesterday said it was a “cure”. We should be fine, just ask him.

Even though this company shows they are out of touch with reality by keeping kams on board, surely they will not have everyone travel to Orlando for the national meetings. Covid is running rampant in Florida and you are just begging for everyone to get sick. We could accomplish everything we need to virtually.
Why are we afraid of Covid? The entire company is double vaccinated and many are boosted. We are safe from Covid silly. You must be an anti vax lunatic.

Even though this company shows they are out of touch with reality by keeping kams on board, surely they will not have everyone travel to Orlando for the national meetings. Covid is running rampant in Florida and you are just begging for everyone to get sick. We could accomplish everything we need to virtually.[

With the majority of schools going back to virtual learning and many businesses implementing a stay at home policy it just makes logical sense that our corporate would have us all fly into the epicenter of Covid. Brilliant. Can’t wait for legal ramifications from this wonderful move.

Even though this company shows they are out of touch with reality by keeping kams on board, surely they will not have everyone travel to Orlando for the national meetings. Covid is running rampant in Florida and you are just begging for everyone to get sick. We could accomplish everything we need to virtually.

With the majority of schools going back to virtual learning and many businesses implementing a stay at home policy it just makes logical sense that our corporate would have us all fly into the epicenter of Covid. Brilliant. Can’t wait for legal ramifications from this wonderful move.

Pete is very angry at this posting and here is what he had to say..."Babamoli yashaka omala kabetama shuli e golama shuun de la metango". For those of you who don't understand that's speaking in tongues! Yes...he does this all the time when preaching at his motel church on Sundays!

Apparently, this is how you get to be a Senior Vice President in this place.

I recently learned that the scientific community has a term for the delusion of "speaking in tongues". It's called "glossolalia". If you want to see a very amusing YouTube video about this I have provided a link.


Pete is very angry at this posting and here is what he had to say..."Babamoli yashaka omala kabetama shuli e golama shuun de la metango". For those of you who don't understand that's speaking in tongues! Yes...he does this all the time when preaching at his motel church on Sundays!

Apparently, this is how you get to be a Senior Vice President in this place.

Imagine if he was a black female! He’d be made CEO!!

Back to NSM, don’t be fooled to thinking the decision to go virtual was to protect the field sales force. The only reason is that the home office and upper management are looking out for themselves and only themselves.

Speaking of Pete Norman, I'm surprised no one has mentioned that he fired Pam O'Sullivan this month. Here is a guy who has accomplished nothing at the federal level aside from being a fundamentalist right-wing nut-job laughingstock on capital hill. Instead of Pete going, or his useless lobbyist Megan, or Bob Foreman (who has spent a career alienating the SUD provider community) they fire Pam.

OK...so Pam is colossally annoying and a sycophantic motor mouth....all true. However, she has decades of real, solid, groundbreaking accomplishments she can point to. Through what she did in opening up Medicaid and private insurance coverage, starting jail and prison reentry programs, and a variety of other behind the scenes accomplishments, Pam is probably personally responsible for tens of millions of dollars in Vivitrol sales alone. And there is no one who has been more loyal to the company. So she goes...and the three stooges (Pete, Megan, and Bob) stay? If there is one vignette that sums up what is wrong with this company this is it.

Shame on you Richard Popps for signing off on this.

I agree, Pam got a raw deal. Competence and accomplishments are no protection in a company as dysfunctional as Alkermes.

I recently learned that the scientific community has a term for the delusion of "speaking in tongues". It's called "glossolalia". If you want to see a very amusing YouTube video about this I have provided a link.


OMG...this video is hysterical! Thank you for sharing. Of course speaking in tongues is total b*llsh*t...bit then everything Pete Norman says is b*llsh*t. At least when he speaks in tongues its amusing!

Back to NSM, don’t be fooled to thinking the decision to go virtual was to protect the field sales force. The only reason is that the home office and upper management are looking out for themselves and only themselves.
If cancelling the meeting means I don't have to see Saru in person, I consider this a great decision. Thanks Alkermes

Speaking of Pete Norman, I'm surprised no one has mentioned that he fired Pam O'Sullivan this month. Here is a guy who has accomplished nothing at the federal level aside from being a fundamentalist right-wing nut-job laughingstock on capital hill. Instead of Pete going, or his useless lobbyist Megan, or Bob Foreman (who has spent a career alienating the SUD provider community) they fire Pam.

OK...so Pam is colossally annoying and a sycophantic motor mouth....all true. However, she has decades of real, solid, groundbreaking accomplishments she can point to. Through what she did in opening up Medicaid and private insurance coverage, starting jail and prison reentry programs, and a variety of other behind the scenes accomplishments, Pam is probably personally responsible for tens of millions of dollars in Vivitrol sales alone. And there is no one who has been more loyal to the company. So she goes...and the three stooges (Pete, Megan, and Bob) stay? If there is one vignette that sums up what is wrong with this company this is it.

Shame on you Richard Popps for signing off on this.

The firing of Pam O'Sullivan should be a warning to us all. It doesn't matter what you have achieved for the company, or how long you have worked here, or how loyal you have been. If you, even for a moment, are on the outs with the right-wing, cultist, cabal who run this place you can get the ax. It has inspired me to brush up my resume and to start looking in earnest. I used to think if I worked hard and had concrete results I'd be safe. The example of Pam shows me how wrong I was.

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