National meeting


Why we having this meeting? AD going to tell us how great company is doing. Doing great for all new high paid people coming in who haven’t done jack shit. Two groups in this company. High paid new people who have done nothing yet. The rest of us are paid so much less than rest of pharmaceutical companies.

This was an eye opener for anyone on the WH side. Although we love our team we were treated like garbage by newbies on the Neuro team. Even told outright they are smarter and paid higher wages because of it. And the fact none of us were offered the opportunity to go there except MM is telling. I have never been to a meeting so snobbish. I think the owner wants us out, gone. And the sloppy wine drinking loud blonde from the WH leadership team speaks way too loud. MD watch your back around MC!

What is that really weird guy Peter at the end of the meeting. Did someone tell him it’s not all about him? Talk about self centered. Another idiot hiring mistake.

What is that really weird guy Peter at the end of the meeting. Did someone tell him it’s not all about him? Talk about self centered. Another idiot hiring mistake.

The ending of the meeting was a joke. Somebody needs to keep that obnoxious Peter in a cage. Who thought is was a good idea letting him up there. It’s obvious Art doesn’t care about WH anymore.

AD and MS have killed the best part of this company. The presentation at the end with small guy said it all. We all felt bad for Clay up there. This meeting was really sad. There are so many of us looking to leave now more than ever. This meeting just helped me know it's time to get out of here fast. MS, DC, MD, DP, and some other good people you all better be looking too. The new lady is taking over. Saw her linked in profile she hasn't done any thing.

Maybe AD doesn’t want the women’s health team anymore…you ever think of that? His focus is all new team. You all are like a generic brand and he now wants name brand. That is why he pays ALL of us from the TOP down big money and you minions, face it, you are below and sewer, way less, lesser…

Maybe AD doesn’t want the women’s health team anymore…you ever think of that? His focus is all new team. You all are like a generic brand and he now wants name brand. That is why he pays ALL of us from the TOP down big money and you minions, face it, you are below and sewer, way less, lesser…

How is the WH team like a generic? Endo team is a generic team. And neuro team hasn't done a thing but spend money. Wonder how AD will do when neuro team doesn't make any money. Best thing anyone can do is move on and get paid a lot more money.

The real problem is someone or multiple people have leaked important information that only HR, recruiting, payroll should have and it seems to have worked it’s way around. And to see a Neuro post mocking WH as generic or minions is a problem. Who is sharing this pay scale info? We know there is a cancer that likes to play both sides and talk out of all sides of their mouth. That person was the talk of the meeting. Even new Neuro reps and managers were told to not say a lot to that person, just listen if you could tolerate their wine breath. You have to wonder if documents in the copier were really left by accident?


I was with a group with her talking a lot of shit on MD and others. Lot of us were like wow and just moved on. Wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t been right there.

Maybe AD doesn’t want the women’s health team anymore…you ever think of that? His focus is all new team. You all are like a generic brand and he now wants name brand. That is why he pays ALL of us from the TOP down big money and you minions, face it, you are below and sewer, way less, lesser…

Same loser stirring the pot. GFY!

Reading all of this is comical but honestly not surprising. Some people like to play all sides then act all innocent when they get caught. This is not shocking, yet some people like to give puppy eyes and act like they would never do that. But keep the comedy going. The truth always comes out.

omg I was right in that conversation and couldn't believe she was trashing MD.

There were a lot of us talking in that conversation with MaryClare and she was really going after Marty. What the hell? Most of us were looking at each other like we couldn't believe it so some of us just walked away. This whole meeting caught a lot of us by surprise. From AD's new favorites and other things.

There were a lot of us talking in that conversation with MaryClare and she was really going after Marty. What the hell? Most of us were looking at each other like we couldn't believe it so some of us just walked away. This whole meeting caught a lot of us by surprise. From AD's new favorites and other things.
You’re full of shit- never happened

There were a lot of us talking in that conversation with MaryClare and she was really going after Marty. What the hell? Most of us were looking at each other like we couldn't believe it so some of us just walked away. This whole meeting caught a lot of us by surprise. From AD's new favorites and other things.
I wouldn’t say really going after but throwing a dig here and there and the eye rolling. Honestly no room to talk because she was throwing them back.