National Meeting


There are good and bad things. From a negative standpoint, a clear difference was evident between what leadership from home office sees as the company culture versus what outside sales leadership does through many conversations. How would sales leadership explain how they are biotech and not a company with a big pharma mentality? Spending an entire day on Veeva was very disconcerting. Many have already experienced their managers expressing frequent ride-alongs and other negative actions that promote an unhappy and uncomfortable working environment. If these actions continue, they will obviously lose a lot of people.
In terms of good, they hired very good people and it was a nice small environment. Hotel was nice and they made everyone feel inclusive. "Work Fun" is a cultural hallmark, many of us flew several hours away and never got to enjoy Naples, except for one evening that wasn't a mandatory event. It would have been nice to have part of the day to enjoy the weather. The marshmallow mess was well, just a mess. The use of technology was nice with the patient profiles, but a mess in the group sessions turning into more of a distraction. The clear separation of KAM and TBS throughout meeting was a mistake. The training department seemed to be more interested in trying to receive more accolades than just providing a great experience for everyone. The meeting days were too long and could have been condensed.


I also agree. I'm still trying to figure out was I in Florida? In all my years and meetings, downtime would always be allotted as well as incorporating an event that was exclusive to that area. I promised my little girl a souvenir and was limited to the airport gift shop. Sales leadership scares many of us and we hope that corporate will shut that down. Leslie from training was extreme and over the top so the comments above regarding wanting to receive accolades was warranted. She seemed far, far too concerned about her image than anything else. I didn't appreciate how she kept commenting on how great, out-of-the-box, and award deserving they are. Leslie kept saying the stuffed bear event was MANDATORY. YES, we get that. We are not children. This further emphasized a level of mistrust. How about you treat us like professionals and we will be there like any other meeting. Don't make comments like that unless there is a reason to. My hope is that Sage realizes that the KAMs and TBSs came onboard because this was a biotech company, and units of measurements and paperwork were minimized as much as possible. Regular shadowing/ride-a-longs with your manager is not good for business and emphasizes distrust and desperation with customers.

I also agree. I'm still trying to figure out was I in Florida? In all my years and meetings, downtime would always be allotted as well as incorporating an event that was exclusive to that area. I promised my little girl a souvenir and was limited to the airport gift shop. Sales leadership scares many of us and we hope that corporate will shut that down. Leslie from training was extreme and over the top so the comments above regarding wanting to receive accolades was warranted. She seemed far, far too concerned about her image than anything else. I didn't appreciate how she kept commenting on how great, out-of-the-box, and award deserving they are. Leslie kept saying the stuffed bear event was MANDATORY. YES, we get that. We are not children. This further emphasized a level of mistrust. How about you treat us like professionals and we will be there like any other meeting. Don't make comments like that unless there is a reason to. My hope is that Sage realizes that the KAMs and TBSs came onboard because this was a biotech company, and units of measurements and paperwork were minimized as much as possible. Regular shadowing/ride-a-longs with your manager is not good for business and emphasizes distrust and desperation with customers.
Leslie is just like all the other so called leaders of this company. Primary care mentality coming from primary care management. They are over their heads in terms of being a real leader. Stuffed bears? What is this, kindygarden? Deplorables. Time to start looking, kids.

Leslie is just like all the other so called leaders of this company. Primary care mentality coming from primary care management. They are over their heads in terms of being a real leader. Stuffed bears? What is this, kindygarden? Deplorables. Time to start looking, kids.

So out-of-the box indeed. Do you know they just copied the bear thing from Novo, who did that at their last meeting? I mean it was enjoyable but don't act like you came up with this idea.

So out-of-the box indeed. Do you know they just copied the bear thing from Novo, who did that at their last meeting? I mean it was enjoyable but don't act like you came up with this idea.

That "give back" was a bit sad. What happens is a company donates money to create good PR and look good for their own benefit and nothing more. The stuffed animal event was supposed to be a team building event, but where was the team building? The only step was literally inserting stuffing in the already-made animal. There was nothing to do and you then had certain people trying to take credit and receive accolades for organizing. . There wasn't much to organize.

That "give back" was a bit sad. What happens is a company donates money to create good PR and look good for their own benefit and nothing more. The stuffed animal event was supposed to be a team building event, but where was the team building? The only step was literally inserting stuffing in the already-made animal. There was nothing to do and you then had certain people trying to take credit and receive accolades for organizing. . There wasn't much to organize.
It’s called virtue signaling. Hey everybody, look at me! Take your bear and stuff it.

That "give back" was a bit sad. What happens is a company donates money to create good PR and look good for their own benefit and nothing more. The stuffed animal event was supposed to be a team building event, but where was the team building? The only step was literally inserting stuffing in the already-made animal. There was nothing to do and you then had certain people trying to take credit and receive accolades for organizing. . There wasn't much to organize.

Wow. You are completely missing the point. We got paid to do something nice for kids who desperately need a little happiness in their life. How in the world could anyone complain about that??? I am so impressed Sage made this a priority, regardless of how involved it was. Want it to be better? Then quit wining and volunteer to help make it better.

I love it here. I love my manager. I love everyone I’ve met. And I couldn’t be more grateful for what I get paid to do.

Wow. You are completely missing the point. We got paid to do something nice for kids who desperately need a little happiness in their life. How in the world could anyone complain about that??? I am so impressed Sage made this a priority, regardless of how involved it was. Want it to be better? Then quit wining and volunteer to help make it better.

I love it here. I love my manager. I love everyone I’ve met. And I couldn’t be more grateful for what I get paid to do.

Wow you sound like a Stepford wife! Amazing. You've missed the whole point from the other poster. Had nothing to do with helping children. You are a complete idiot. Yes, you belong here.

Wow all the whining and thinking you can do it better. Than do it next time. And the charity event was just that to give to children in hospitals. Not for you as an adult to have a stuffed bear. And when in the last five years have you been to a national meeting where you had a day to relax and enjoy the area; you were at a work meeting and not on a vacation. If you wanted a vacation, don’t join a start up that expects hard work and dedication.

And as for Leslie being over the top, I didn’t see that at all. I saw someone being excited about the hard work her team did for the meeting.
If you want to whine and complain do it elsewhere; and Sage isn’t the place for you.

Wow all the whining and thinking you can do it better. Than do it next time. And the charity event was just that to give to children in hospitals. Not for you as an adult to have a stuffed bear. And when in the last five years have you been to a national meeting where you had a day to relax and enjoy the area; you were at a work meeting and not on a vacation. If you wanted a vacation, don’t join a start up that expects hard work and dedication.

And as for Leslie being over the top, I didn’t see that at all. I saw someone being excited about the hard work her team did for the meeting.
If you want to whine and complain do it elsewhere; and Sage isn’t the place for you.

Thanks for your comments Leslie. You completely missed the entire point of the comments regarding the bear event. People love to help people in need. This was simply a public relations stunt. No one did anything. As far as time off at a meeting, where the holy hell have you worked? That is STANDARD at all national meetings to have time in a city everyone has traveled to. YOU are so completely clueless it is excruciatingly sad. Your comments show hoe clearly inexperienced and uneducated you are about the industry. Please don't make any more comments as to not embarrass yourself further.

wow. You really are a troll to think a charity event was a PR stunt. I feel bad for whoever your manager is. I feel awful that sage hired such a POS as you.

Good luck to you; you will need it as you are truly a bottom feeder

wow. You really are a troll to think a charity event was a PR stunt. I feel bad for whoever your manager is. I feel awful that sage hired such a POS as you.

Good luck to you; you will need it as you are truly a bottom feeder

Go away! You're the one that is the bottom feeder. Idiots like you so hypocritical. If you are so happy, why the hell are you on Cafe Pharma? Really? You either are an enormous hypocrite or one of the micromanagers trolling this board. Now which one is it?.

There are good and bad things. From a negative standpoint, a clear difference was evident between what leadership from home office sees as the company culture versus what outside sales leadership does through many conversations. How would sales leadership explain how they are biotech and not a company with a big pharma mentality? Spending an entire day on Veeva was very disconcerting. Many have already experienced their managers expressing frequent ride-alongs and other negative actions that promote an unhappy and uncomfortable working environment. If these actions continue, they will obviously lose a lot of people.
In terms of good, they hired very good people and it was a nice small environment. Hotel was nice and they made everyone feel inclusive. "Work Fun" is a cultural hallmark, many of us flew several hours away and never got to enjoy Naples, except for one evening that wasn't a mandatory event. It would have been nice to have part of the day to enjoy the weather. The marshmallow mess was well, just a mess. The use of technology was nice with the patient profiles, but a mess in the group sessions turning into more of a distraction. The clear separation of KAM and TBS throughout meeting was a mistake. The training department seemed to be more interested in trying to receive more accolades than just providing a great experience for everyone. The meeting days were too long and could have been condensed.

If the “culture” is already unraveling, just wait until your first round of low sales numbers come in.

Not to fear, though. Nothing an extra 2 calls per day (with your manager in tow) can’t cure.