National Meeting

Absolutely the worst NSM I have ever been to. Clapping incessantly for people who don't deserve it, standing up, sitting down, over and over. Regional breakouts that taught us nothing... Nothing but a political game for which RSM could get their "room" to cheer the loudest for nothing!! There was no time allotted for any quality learning or sharing of ideas. How about the set up of the regional 30 minute breakouts?? Ummmm.. Curtains separating the regions.. distracting microphones... annoying mc talking over everyone with their 10, 5, 2, minute reminders while discussions are going on behind the black curtain.. REALLY DEPOMED??? Are you too cheap to pay for real breakout rooms??? How about SG retirement party??? Are you freaking kidding me??? I will let someone tk she elaborate on THAT...

The meeting and politics shed light on how territories were allocated. Favored ones placed in "better" assignments. The CG winners were not all deserving. They walked into groomed territories . The positives from the meeting is that things became more clear and served as encouragement to look for other opportunities.

After this "event" I believe more people will be looking for other opportunities. The organization is oppressive, cult like, and all about themselves.
what that says about you is that you must have been a desperate loser to end up in this job. Damn. Bitch with no place to go, then you worm your way in and oh, damn I cant just sit and fart out of my mouth. It's off to another crap ass low life sales position, AGAIN. How many jobs have you had on the last 6 years?
you were under qualified for to begin with. Karma. Ain't it a bitch?

what that says about you is that you must have been a desperate loser to end up in this job. Damn. Bitch with no place to go, then you worm your way in and oh, damn I cant just sit and fart out of my mouth. It's off to another crap ass low life sales position, AGAIN. How many jobs have you had on the last 6 years?
you were under qualified for to begin with. Karma. Ain't it a bitch?

The reason people persist in sales jobs, putting b.s. in their resumes is, ta da, wait for it....NO One else would hire them. They have some bonehead degree they never bothered to get actual experience in. Usually just went to college desperately seeking a spouse.
Its rather obvious,say when you post you earned this award and that, then you leave in 1 to 2 years, over and over again. You likely won whatever, stealing the idea or words from those generous enough to share with you their strategy and or, the territory you were in, had a population and docs which supported and needed your med, whatever. Red Flagg alert. You cannot sell shit, when you spend your time trying to diet away your pathetic self image and dress up is your favorite pass time. That does not constitute talent as a salesperson. Bonus tip, throwing false accusations at people is the most obvious sign you are in way over your head and need to move on to say, babysitting at the zoo.

The reason people persist in sales jobs, putting b.s. in their resumes is, ta da, wait for it....NO One else would hire them. They have some bonehead degree they never bothered to get actual experience in. Usually just went to college desperately seeking a spouse.
Its rather obvious,say when you post you earned this award and that, then you leave in 1 to 2 years, over and over again. You likely won whatever, stealing the idea or words from those generous enough to share with you their strategy and or, the territory you were in, had a population and docs which supported and needed your med, whatever. Red Flagg alert. You cannot sell shit, when you spend your time trying to diet away your pathetic self image and dress up is your favorite pass time. That does not constitute talent as a salesperson. Bonus tip, throwing false accusations at people is the most obvious sign you are in way over your head and need to move on to say, babysitting at the zoo.
I'm picturing 10 little girls matching this description, all posers and grown up wanna bes.

Some people are drawn to cults. You know? Like moths to a flame. Narcissistic types with no sense of self, overly dependant types who were never weaned from Mommy. It takes a certain level of sheep like tendencies to tolerate being in cult like companies. Once you see it for what it is and get yourself healthier, you won't stay. It's just not possible, if you are mature and an independent thinking fully functioning adult.

Some people are drawn to cults. You know? Like moths to a flame. Narcissistic types with no sense of self, overly dependant types who were never weaned from Mommy. It takes a certain level of sheep like tendencies to tolerate being in cult like companies. Once you see it for what it is and get yourself healthier, you won't stay. It's just not possible, if you are mature and an independent thinking fully functioning adult.

I used to think all the cult like thinking was coming from SG. But now I wonder if JS is aware of it and overlooked it all along. How can he be that divorced from what went on. Prayer services following meetings, Faith healings performed on reps during ride-alongs. Special treatment (in terms of favoritism) to those who "Believe in Jesus".
The culture at Depomed does not allow anyone to speak up with a creative idea, or to question anything. That is not a healthy culture long term. If anyone uses their brain, they are soon gone.

I used to think all the cult like thinking was coming from SG. But now I wonder if JS is aware of it and overlooked it all along. How can he be that divorced from what went on. Prayer services following meetings, Faith healings performed on reps during ride-alongs. Special treatment (in terms of favoritism) to those who "Believe in Jesus".
The culture at Depomed does not allow anyone to speak up with a creative idea, or to question anything. That is not a healthy culture long term. If anyone uses their brain, they are soon gone.
keep the faith, help is on the way.

SS has hired a winner as the new head of sales, and the even better news is that JV is further away from the day to day of Sales. JV is truly a toxic presence, and the farther away he is from the Salesforce, the better we all are.

Too bad you are ising this forum as an excuse to spew your vitriol towards Christians. You real problem is your hatred, not the Christians or their beliefs. You are making them scapegoats and using them as an excuse for not being creative or speaking up. Own your shit and go get help so you will learn not to displace your fear and hatred onto people you dont agree with. By the way, Jesus is the way the truth and the light. You reject him, you are rejecting God. The consequences are written for all to see and choose their fate.

Interesting. Last I heard, if the bus could be driven over you, to get in good with managers, some would put it in reverse, just to prove their point. Of course, to your face, all sunshine and roses.

Too bad you are ising this forum as an excuse to spew your vitriol towards Christians. You real problem is your hatred, not the Christians or their beliefs. You are making them scapegoats and using them as an excuse for not being creative or speaking up. Own your shit and go get help so you will learn not to displace your fear and hatred onto people you dont agree with. By the way, Jesus is the way the truth and the light. You reject him, you are rejecting God. The consequences are written for all to see and choose their fate.
are you fucking for real???
holy shit lol fuck off!