National Meeting Over Holloween


How can Olympus send the entire sales force to a National Meeting over Holloween????? What a complete disregard for the employees personal time. Holoween is a time to spend with family and kids. Olympus has proven to have no interest in making its sales force feel like the family they preach that we are. Upper Mgt has taken all the fun and motivation out of what Gyrus ACMi was great for. Sad a pathetic. If things keep up they will become another big company with marginal at best sales force.

How can Olympus send the entire sales force to a National Meeting over Holloween????? What a complete disregard for the employees personal time. Holoween is a time to spend with family and kids. Olympus has proven to have no interest in making its sales force feel like the family they preach that we are. Upper Mgt has taken all the fun and motivation out of what Gyrus ACMi was great for. Sad a pathetic. If things keep up they will become another big company with marginal at best sales force.

Agreed. Olympus has sucked the fun out of this job and company. I miss the GYRUS culture.

Hey, newsflash - it IS a large company with a marginal sales force. It the words of Mark Gumz - "A monkey can sell Olympus - we have the share"

That is the attitude the customers notice more and more about Olympus. And by the way.....Olympus did not have market share in Uro because the real sales force of ACMI smothered them. The only reason Olympus has market share in Uro now is due to the adoption of ACMI. As the ACMI spirt and talent is smached Olympus will be right back where they started from except this time Storz will be killing them this time.
And if a monkey can sell Olympus you gotta ask why did thu struggle so much before ACMI.
And tell me about Oly video and ENT....please!!!! Where are the monkeys????

That is the attitude the customers notice more and more about Olympus. And by the way.....Olympus did not have market share in Uro because the real sales force of ACMI smothered them. The only reason Olympus has market share in Uro now is due to the adoption of ACMI. As the ACMI spirt and talent is smached Olympus will be right back where they started from except this time Storz will be killing them this time.
And if a monkey can sell Olympus you gotta ask why did thu struggle so much before ACMI.
And tell me about Oly video and ENT....please!!!! Where are the monkeys????

That guy was probably talking about GI